Tag Archives: XML

Upcoming Release of Aspose.Tasks for C++

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We are pleased to share that Aspose.Tasks API is coming soon to C++ platforms with the name of Aspose.Tasks for C++. It will be soon available for download and to be used in applications. Aspose.Tasks (written in C++) is designed to be used with C++ language in variety of platforms like Windows, Linux and UNIX. Aspose.Tasks can be used with any kind of application from console-based to desktop-based applications. The documentation shall provide fully featured demos and working examples … Continue Reading

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Populate HTML Templates with JSON and XML Data in C#

Of all the miracles Po had seen in the time and space of its death, Po thought this–the absorption of another, the carrying of it–was the most bewildering and remarkable of all.

– Lauren Oliver, Liesl & Po

Many great things in the world are the result of merging. Nature, animals, people, and technology merge together to produce unmatchable results.

At Aspose we merge templates to produce robust documents. HTML is the standard markup language for creating web pages and … Continue Reading

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Microsoft Project 2013 XML format support in Aspose.Tasks 5.3.0

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Aspose.Tasks for .NET 5.3.0 has been released.

With this release, Aspose.Tasks for .NET supports reading and writing tasks, resources, task links, calendar, resource assignments, outline codes and extended attributes data in Microsoft Project 2013 XML format. Thus, Aspose.Tasks now supports reading and writing MSP 2013 in both MPP and XML format.

This month’s release has also fixed a number of bugs related to Microsoft Project 2003 and 2010 MPP formats such as calendar data update, rendering contents of a cell … Continue Reading

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