Tag Archives: PDF

New PDF Save Options and Other Goodies in Aspose.Words 13.9.0

We are pleased to announce the monthly release of Aspose.Words for .NET and Java 13.9.0 as well as Aspose.Words for Android 1.2.  Aspose.Words for Android 1.2 marks the third release for the newest member of the Aspose.Words product family and we are pleased to announce all three product releases contain more than 100 useful improvements.

You can download the latest release of Aspose.Words from the following links:

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Support for Password Protection of PDF and Enriched Rendering in Aspose.Slides for Java 7.6.0

We like to share the announcement of Aspose.Slides for for Java 7.6.0.

We have introduced many new features in this new release.  We have added the support for password protecting of exported PDF. Read about converting PPTX to PDF for more details. Support for setting legends as chart overlay has also been added in this new release.

There are many presentation rendering and access issues resolved in this new release as well. Many presentation export to PDF and slide thumbnail … Continue Reading

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Introducing Aspose APIs for Android

Sydney, Australia – 20 July 2013 – Aspose announces expansion into the mobile platform with the impending release of a new product line for the Android market.

Aspose for Android Logo

Aspose are excited to announce a brand new product line to bring the features of our well known file management components to Android devices.

Aspose is already a well-known name in the .NET and Java Reporting Services, Jasper Reports, and SharePoint markets and are now stepping into the Android arena with the introduction … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family, Aspose.Total Product Family, Aspose.PDF Product Family, Aspose.Cells Product Family, Aspose.Email Product Family, News Release | Tagged , , , , ,

Retrieve Conditional Formatting Objects in Excel using C#

Aspose.Cells for .NET logo

Aspose.Cells for .NET 7.5.1 has been released. The new release includes a useful feature to get icon sets, data bars or color scales objects used when adding conditional formatting to a cell or a range of cells. We have also added support for rendering a worksheet’s background in an output HTML file. The component also supports parsing custom views and scenarios while converting from one Microsoft Excel file format to another.

Moreover, we have improved the Excel to PDF … Continue Reading

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Convert PowerPoint to Password Protected PDF using C#

We like to announce the release of Aspose.Slides for .NET 7.6.0. This is a major release in which many new features have been included. The main ones are described below: you’ll find a complete list of features, enhancements, and fixes in the release notes.

New Features

We have introduced support for generating a password-protected PDF. For more details about how this feature works, read this article in our documentation.

In the past, many of our customers have reported issues with … Continue Reading

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Aspose.Slides for .NET 7.4.0 supports setting chart data cell format and improved PDF export performance

Aspose.Slides icon

We like to announce the release of Aspose.Slides for .NET 7.4.0.

This is primarily a maintenance release with focus on improved chart rendering. A new feature support for setting predefined or customized data format for chart data has been included in this new release. Please visit this documentation link for your further reference.

Some issues related to charting support including editing of Aspose.Slides generated charts in PowerPoint and effects on charts when changing chart data using external Microsoft Excel files … Continue Reading

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Announcing the release of Aspose Eclipse Plugin

In our previous post we announced the release of the Aspose Visual Studio plugin. This post is the announcement of the same plugin but for the Eclipse IDE. This plugin is for those Java developers who don’t want to leave their Eclipse IDE to try out Aspose Java components. Using the Aspose Eclipse plugin you can download components and examples and easily explore powerful libraries for documents manipulation. Download the plugin from the Eclipse marketplace.

This plugin is set … Continue Reading

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Announcing the release of Aspose Visual Studio Plugin

We are happy to announce the release of Aspose Visual Studio Plugin 1.0.0. This plugin is for those busy developers who want to try out Aspose .NET components quickly without leaving their Visual Studio IDE. It is your own playground for quickly learning and playing with Aspose .NET components: it reduces the learning curve. The Aspose Visual Studio plugin is a wizard which allows you to create new Aspose projects. Download it from Codeplex.

The plugin works in two … Continue Reading

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SmartArt Rendering and Tight/Through Wrapping Support in Aspose.Words 11.11.0

We are pleased to announce the release of this month’s version of Aspose.Words for .NET and Java. This release contains 161 improvements to Aspose.Words.

You can immediately download our latest Aspose.Words release from the following links:

Partial Support for Rendering SmartArt in Word Documents

SmartArt is a feature first introduced in Microsoft Office 2007. It was designed to create simple and effective diagrams, organization charts or flow charts with many more options than … Continue Reading

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Sparklines and Display Right-to-Left (RTL) Languages in Excel to PDF using Java

Aspose.Cells for Java 7.3.5 has been released. This month’s release supports rendering sparklines and displaying RTL (right-to-left) languages in generated PDF files (Excel to PDF conversion).

We have added more methods (for example Validation.getValue1() and Validation.getValue2()) to obtain DateTime values for custom needs. Moreover, we have enhanced the performance of PDF rendering by providing the valuable PdfSaveOptions.CheckFontCompatibility option; the conditional formatting feature is also improved.

This release is also a maintenance release where several important issues have been fixed. Many … Continue Reading

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