Tag Archives: new release

Aspose.Words for Reporting Services 3.6.0 Released

Aspose.Words logoWe have published a new release of Aspose.Words for Reporting Services that includes a number of fixes for issues reported by our customers and also some new features.

The following issues are fixed:

  • WORDSRPT-6: RepeatOnNewPage property of the static header row in a tablix.
  • WORDSRPT-7 : Table Headers not repeated for matrix report.
  • WORDSRPT-8: Page break within a rectangle not working.
  • WORDSRPT-100: Aspose.Words for RS2008 Abnormal separation of Tablix Data.
  • WORDSRPT-101: Placeholder set as HTML-interpret HTML
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Aspose.BarCode for Java now have the same features as Aspose.BarCode for .NET

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We have been working on Aspose.BarCode for Java to make its features set closer to Aspose.BarCode for .NET and we have now completed that work. All new features and bug fixes that make it into the latest release of .NET are now also available in the Java version. So from now on, whether your platform is .NET or Java, you will get the latest updates, features and bug fixes.

The previous version of Aspose.BarCode for Java was 2.7 but as … Continue Reading

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Aspose.Words for .NET 10 – 9 years of product development

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New Zealand, Auckland – May 3, 2011 – Aspose.Words for .NET 10 is the culmination of nine years of product development and refinement. Over the years, we have continuously listened to our customers and worked to develop the product in the direction they have asked us.

What’s new?

Aspose.Words for .NET introduces a number of new features, for example:Support for table styles in DOC files.Support for Custom XML in WordprocessingML 2003 files.Improved support for Math Markup Language (OMML) when converting … Continue Reading

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Aspose.Words for Java 10 released

New Zealand, Auckland – April 29, 2011 – Aspose has Aspose.Words for several platforms. The first product was Aspose.Words for .NET. Aspose.Words for Java came years later. We wanted the two products to be as similar as possible but to achieve this we had to manually port the .NET product, line by line, package by package, to Java. This was time consuming and tedious, our developers can be used better.

To get the two products in line, we developed a … Continue Reading

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