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Tag Archives: Manipulate Header & Footer inside DOC DOCX files
The University of North Carolina Generates, Prints and Performs Mail Merge in Word Document Reports all within Web Browser
About University of North Carolina

I work as an analyst in the Department of Application Services, which ensures consistency and quality in the development, implementation, distribution, and support of software solutions supporting campus-wide data management needs at the division, school, department, or any other administrative unit level. We recently were tasked to replace the legacy Immunization Tracking System on OpenVMS with a Web-based, ASP.NET application.
The Immunization Tracking System ASP.NET application allows the UNCW Student Health Services (SHS) staff … Continue Reading
Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family, Aspose.Words, Success Stories | Tagged Dynamically fill database content inside Word template, Dynamically generate MS Word documents, Insert Image/Logo inside Word document, Mail Merge in MS Word Documents, Manipulate Header & Footer inside DOC DOCX files, Print MS Word files using Aspose.Words for .NET, Work with Page Breaks inside Word document