Tag Archives: John Owens

Aspose Newsletter, August 2011

Welcome to Aspose’s August Newsletter

August already! Where is 2011 going!? Well, as ever it’s been a busy time here at Aspose. Earlier this month we released Aspose.OCR for .NET which allows you to add OCR capabilities to your applications with the ease you’d expect from Aspose components. As with all new components you can download Aspose.OCR for .NET today at no additional cost if you have a valid Aspose.Total for .NET subscription.

Upgrade to Aspose.PDF for .NET V6.0 –

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Introducing Enterprise Support And Other Support Changes

In our continued efforts to ensure that our products and services fit the needs of all customer sizes we’re introducing some changes to our Support Services.

Since introducing Priority Support just over a year ago we’ve had tremendous feedback, from this feedback we’ve gathered that our Site subscription customers demand more from our Support Services that our Developer subscription customers.

To that end, we’re introducing a more streamlined version of our Enterprise Support service, amongst other benefits Enterprise Support customers … Continue Reading

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Aspose Newsletter June 2011

New Prices Launch July 1st – Buy Now To Beat The Increase

Over the past year we’ve introduced a number of new products, our full Aspose.SharePoint range, the very recent addition of Aspose.Diagram for .NET and Aspose.Network for Java as well as the constant updates of Aspose.Total. Going forward we don’t plan to stand still, we’re heavily investing in our full product range as well as R&D to bring you new file format related products that will help make

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Aspose Newsletter, April 2011

Aspose announces Aspose.Diagram and Aspose.Words Express and talks about awesome customer service. We also list the awards we got from ComponentSource this year.
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Aspose Newsletter February 2011

Two new products and a busy month ahead

Hi there! I hope 2011 is shaping up for you and that you are managing to keep to your New Year's resolutions.

Last month my colleague Danny shared that we had a lot of exciting plans in store for 2011 – he wasn't joking! January was a busy month for us and February is looking equally productive.

Some highlights – this month we've released:

  • Aspose.Words for .NET V9.6 with some fantastic new
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Aspose Newsletter December 2010

End of the Year and a Very Special Offer

At Aspose we don't believe in standing still. We've nurtured a strong sense of continual improvement in our business and our products. The literally thousands of features and enhancements that we've packed into our products this year stands testimony to this. We’ve also registered over 100,000 users at Aspose.com making 2010 the year we became the World’s largest file format community.

We're hard at work putting the finishing touches to Aspose.Words

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