Tag Archives: Java Email API

Convert OFT Files to HTML in Java

MS Outlook uses OFT as a template format to create layouts for the emails. The template can be preformatted and populated with the content dynamically for creating custom messages. In some instances, you may get the OFT files and need to convert them to HTML format programmatically. To achieve that, this article shows how to convert an OFT file to HTML in Java.

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Send a Word Document as Email in Java

In most cases, emails are sent in a well-formatted layout following a particular template. However, various email editors do not provide the enhanced formatting options. In such cases, you can create a message in a Word document and use it as an email body. In this article, you will learn how to send an MS Word document as an email body using Java.

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family, Aspose.Total Product Family, Aspose.Email Product Family | Tagged , , ,

Set Participation Status of Appointment Attendees in a Meeting using Java


Aspose.Email for Java 18.3 has been released. This release introduces a new feature of setting the participation status of meeting attendees. It also brings further stability to API functionality by fixing issues that were reported with earlier versions of the API. For complete details on what is new and fixed, please visit the release notes section of API documentation.

Set Participant Status for Meeting in Reply Message

This release of Aspose.Email for Java API lets you set the participation status Continue Reading

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