Tag Archives: free trial

Hollings Cancer Center developed an offline feature for Creating and Parsing Word files

About Hollings Cancer Center

Hollings Cancer Center is part of the Medical University of South Carolina. When a Researcher asks for data from our various departments, we need to send the request to an Evaluation Committee. We currently have a Web application that asks a series of 10 topics to a committee of evaluators and from the topics, each Evaluator then develops their own set of questions individually to be sent back to the Researcher. The Researcher then needs to … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family, Aspose.Words, Success Stories | Tagged , , , , , , ,

D-Motivatie Achieved dynamic MS Word document generation in SaaS solution using Aspose APIs

About D-motivatie

Hyubrid SaaS product logo

Hybrid SaaS is a web-based internet application developed for SME. By using Hybrid SaaS, organizations can easily manage business processes as customer relations management, project management, time registration, and billing.

Hybrid SaaS is developed by the Dutch company D-motivatie (translation Digital-Motivation). D-motivatie is an ICT company specialized in systems controlling and developing software applications. There have been numerous occasions when D-motivatie was approached by different costumers who had the need for a good and simple CRM … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family, Aspose.Words, Success Stories | Tagged , , , , , ,

Using Aspose APIs, Germo Implemented Textual content extraction from custom templates, bookmarks as well as Document properties in winEFW

About Germo

GERMO GmbH offers a variety of software solutions in the field of electronic forms, output management, and document management for health insurance funds. The software suite winEFW (windows Elektronisches Formularwesen, german for windows electronic template management) offers template management, template creation, and administrative functions as well as functions for document creation. To support template administrators during their workflow, winEFW includes a search module providing a great variety of search options for template administrators and editors.

The search … Continue Reading

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