Tag Archives: Free Technical support

InFocus IT empowered Document Processing Solution to generate DOC and PDF files from XHTML

About InFocus IT

InFocus Company Logo

InFocus IT has been incorporated since 2005 and provides enterprise development services and solutions to a variety of different markets.

We deliver enterprise solutions that once deployed just work. Many of the systems that we develop or work with, generally have a large corpus of electronic content in a variety of file formats. Interchanging between these seamlessly can be a challenge.


We constantly have a need to convert electronic documents into other document formats. We already … Continue Reading

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Hollings Cancer Center developed an offline feature for Creating and Parsing Word files

About Hollings Cancer Center

Hollings Cancer Center is part of the Medical University of South Carolina. When a Researcher asks for data from our various departments, we need to send the request to an Evaluation Committee. We currently have a Web application that asks a series of 10 topics to a committee of evaluators and from the topics, each Evaluator then develops their own set of questions individually to be sent back to the Researcher. The Researcher then needs to … Continue Reading

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FLIGHTMAP Exports Grid Data to Excel, MS Word, PDF, and PowerPoint with a single click within Web Application using APIs



Bicore is a Dutch software company that develops and delivers the FLIGHTMAP portfolio management solution. FLIGHTMAP is a leading, web-based platform for portfolio management in high-tech, innovation, real estate, and other domains. It is in the market since 2010 and is constantly being updated to reflect progress in portfolio management best practices, as well as data analytics.

We have a small development team that builds new versions of FLIGHTMAP, extending its capability and supporting the user community. The … Continue Reading

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Nowhow Implemented MS Word, PDF, Excel, PowerPoint, and BarCode creation and Manipulation in DOCO application using Aspose APIs

About Nowhow solutions

Nohow solutions logo

Nowhow solutions AG is a small software development company located in Bern, Switzerland. Founded in 2001, the company specializes in the implementation of web-based business solutions mainly for the telecommunications and governmental market.


Often our customers approach us with business requirements that are linked to the generation of Word or PDF documents. They require the solutions to be capable of gathering raw data from various sources (order management systems (SAP), Excel calculation tables, or even Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family, Aspose.Total Product Family, Aspose.PDF Product Family, Aspose.Cells Product Family, Aspose.Slides Product Family, Aspose.Cells, Aspose.PDF, Aspose.Slides, Aspose.Total, Aspose.Words, Success Stories | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

EndGame managed to Produce customizable loan statement documents using Aspose.Word APIs

About EndGame

End Game company logo

EndGame is a software business development house specializing in cloud applications. We love designing, planning, and building great products leveraging our skills in rapid productization, business architecture, and Software as a Service (SaaS) operations.

Our DNA is to design well, build well, and invest well. For our customers, this looks like beautiful products that are outstanding to use, elegantly engineered, and empower them to achieve what they thought was impossible. To us, it looks like fun.

In such … Continue Reading

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PBI creates Mail Merged Word documents within no time using APIs

About PBI

PBI specializes in risk management, compliance, communications, and outreach programs that drive performance and positively impact the bottom line. Our executive team has more than 100 years of combined experience in a variety of industries and disciplines bringing a
wealth of knowledge, excellence, and innovation to all of our services. Driven by state-of-the-art technology solutions, we integrate the many facets of business, risk, compliance, and management to achieve the best results for our clients.


PBI has a … Continue Reading

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iWriteReadRate implemented MS Word documents to ePUB and PDF using Aspose APIs

About iWriteReadRate

iWriteReadRate company logo

iWriteReadRate.com emerged as a new website for writers and readers of literature in all genres. We planned to utilize Aspose.Words for .NET as our central file format conversion tool. Our website enabled writers to upload, sell, and review user-submitted works & ebooks of various lengths direct from readers.

Our aim was to create a dynamic community of writers and readers, and through utilizing widely accepted ebook formats, such as ePUB. We were aiming to enable writers to use … Continue Reading

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Tjool by Tools4Office is developed using Aspose.Slides for .NET offers PowerPoint slides Manipulation within Web Browser

About Tools4Office

Tools4Office company logo

We provide tools for MS Office products. Our main focus is on PowerPoint Add-ons.

Tjool is our software tool for presentation and Slide management for MS PowerPoint format and is available in 3 editions: Single User installation, Network-User license, and a web-based ASP system. The web-based Tjool edition is a presentation manager that requires no software to install or maintain and is used through a standard Internet Browser. Our customers, and especially enterprise customers, have a lot of … Continue Reading

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D-Motivatie Achieved dynamic MS Word document generation in SaaS solution using Aspose APIs

About D-motivatie

Hyubrid SaaS product logo

Hybrid SaaS is a web-based internet application developed for SME. By using Hybrid SaaS, organizations can easily manage business processes as customer relations management, project management, time registration, and billing.

Hybrid SaaS is developed by the Dutch company D-motivatie (translation Digital-Motivation). D-motivatie is an ICT company specialized in systems controlling and developing software applications. There have been numerous occasions when D-motivatie was approached by different costumers who had the need for a good and simple CRM … Continue Reading

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How Ipsos used Aspose.Total in their business and Achieved Excellence while Processing thousands of surveys yearly

About Ipsos

Ipsos logo

Ipsos is a global market research company that sets high standards for its own research and conduct. They help their clients gain insight and intelligence from the research they do. The company’s slogan, ‘Nobody’s unpredictable’, is supported by an approach that helps Ipsos’ clients understand their customers and markets in a changing world.

Ipsos has five core specialties – advertising research, marketing research, media research, opinion, and social research – and adds data collection and delivery as a … Continue Reading

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