Tag Archives: file format

Export Content into a Word Processing Document Using dotCMS Plugin

Aspose.Words for Java

“Export to Word Plugin” for dotCMS allows users to export online content into Word Processing documents using Aspose.Words for Java. It dynamically exports the content of the Web page to a Word Processing document and then automatically downloads the file to the disk location selected by the user in just a couple of seconds. The generated Word processing document can then be opened using any Word Processing Application such as Microsoft Word or Apache OpenOffice etc.

Export Content into a Word Processing Document
dotCMS plugin

Supported Platforms

In … Continue Reading

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IntelliJ IDEA Plugin for Microsoft OneNote Documents in Java

Aspose has released Aspose.Note Java (Maven) Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA. This plugin facilitates the use of Aspose.Note for Java API in Java-based Maven projects in IntelliJ IDEA.

Aspose.Note is a feature-rich Java class library that enables Java applications to programmatically interact with OneNote documents without requiring Microsoft Office OneNote to have installed on the server. The Java API of Aspose.Note empowers developers to Create, Read, Export and Manipulate the contents of the Microsoft OneNote file format by working with attachments, … Continue Reading

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More examples of Aspose.Cells for .NET features missing in VSTO to deal with Microsoft Excel Documents

We’ve added more examples in the release of the Aspose.Cell for .NET features unavailable in VSTO Excel. Code Missing features of VSTO in Aspose.Cells for .NET helps you to understand the extra features and importance of Aspose.Cells over VSTO Excel.

What’s New in the release of v1.1

  • Save Workbook to Text or CSV Format
  • Encrypting Excel Files
  • Display or Hide Tabs
  • Display or Hide Scroll Bars
  • Display or Hide Gridline
  • Display or Hide Row Column Headers
  • Advanced Protection Settings since
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Generate and Send Linear Barcodes via e-mail using MS Dynamics CRM

aspose BarCode for net

Aspose .NET BarCode Generator is an open source add-on used to generate and send BarCodes from CRM via E-mail. You can configure multiple BarCodes within CRM and generate BarCode in an e-mail as you want. The configuration provides multiple symbologies options and you can also select these configurations while creating e-mail. Aspose .NET BarCode Generator can be used with CRM on-premises and CRM Online.

Features in this Release

The release of this add-on supports the following features:

  • Create and Configure
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More examples of Aspose.Words for .NET features missing in OpenXML SDK to deal with Microsoft Word

We are pleased to announce another release of more examples provided by Aspose.Words for .NET features missing in OpenXML Words. These examples show how different tasks can be performed using Aspose.Words for .NET APIs in comparison with OpenXML to work with Microsoft Word and OpenOffice. This project will help you to migrate from OpenXML to Aspose.Words.

What’s New in this Release v 1.1

Below are the list of more example of Missing Features of OpenXML SDK provided by Aspose.Words … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , ,

More Code Examples of Aspose.Words for .NET in Comparison with NPOI HWPF and XWPF

We are pleased to announce another release of Aspose.Words for NPOI (HWPF and XWPF) which shows how different tasks can be performed using Aspose.Words .NET APIs in comparison with NPOI. Code Comparison of Aspose Words for .NET with NPOI is helpful for developers who want to compare NPOI with the easiness and flexibility of Aspose.Words for .NET OR migrate from NPOI to Aspose.Words.

What’s New in this Release v 1.1

Below are the features of another release of comparison examples … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family | Tagged , , , , , , ,

Work with Different File Formats using Cloud Based Saaspose REST APIs

Saaspose is a cloud based REST API which works with a variety of file formats. It allows you to process documents, presentations, worksheets, PDF files, emails, and many other file formats. Every business application needs to work with different file formats. In order to process a wide variety of file formats, you need a solution which is elegant and reliable, easy to learn and quick to implement, and provides all the features you need in one place.
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Aspose becomes the world’s largest file format community

Scotland, Glasgow – May 27, 2010 – With 100,000 registered users, Aspose is the world’s largest file format community.

On May 1st, 2010, Aspose announced that they were quickly approaching 100,000 registered users. They decided to award the 100,000th user Aspose software worth over $3,000. As the day passed, staff at Aspose monitored the sign-up rate with great interest and on May 27th, they had a winner.

The prize, a Developer Enterprise Subscription license to Aspose’s flagship product, Aspose.Total, went … Continue Reading

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