Tag Archives: festive offer

Aspose Newsletter January 2011


Happy New Year!

Hello! My name is Danny Cooper and I am a member of the business team here at Aspose. I am located in Texas, and I oversee our North American business operations. For the many members of our audience I have not previously met, I'm glad to meet you.

We, Aspose, have a lot of exciting things planned this year, and one of those things is livening up a bit. By that I mean becoming more personable.

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Aspose Newsletter December 2010

End of the Year and a Very Special Offer

At Aspose we don't believe in standing still. We've nurtured a strong sense of continual improvement in our business and our products. The literally thousands of features and enhancements that we've packed into our products this year stands testimony to this. We’ve also registered over 100,000 users at Aspose.com making 2010 the year we became the World’s largest file format community.

We're hard at work putting the finishing touches to Aspose.Words

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