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Tag Archives: Extract MS Word document properties programatically
Using Aspose APIs, Germo Implemented Textual content extraction from custom templates, bookmarks as well as Document properties in winEFW
About Germo
GERMO GmbH offers a variety of software solutions in the field of electronic forms, output management, and document management for health insurance funds. The software suite winEFW (windows Elektronisches Formularwesen, german for windows electronic template management) offers template management, template creation, and administrative functions as well as functions for document creation. To support template administrators during their workflow, winEFW includes a search module providing a great variety of search options for template administrators and editors.
The search … Continue Reading
Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family, Aspose.Words, Success Stories | Tagged Extract MS Word document properties programatically, Free Technical support, Java API to extract content from MS Word document, Java API to manipulate Bookmarks in MS Word files, Manipulate Bookmarks, Manipulate MS Word documents programatically, Manipulate bookmarks in Word document, No MS Office Automation required, Programatically extract MS Word file content, free trial