Tag Archives: Exchange Server

View & Export Emails from Exchange, IMAP or POP3 Servers to PST, PDF, DOCX, TIFF & XPS

We have recently released a new version of Email Processor by Aspose for .NET app. It includes new features and some UI improvements.

Email Processor by Aspose for .NET

New Features

  • View email message
  • Download attachments from email
  • Convert selected emails to PDF, DOCX, XPS and TIFF
  • Show sub-folders from IMAP and Exchange Server, if available

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Delete contacts from Exchange Server and create distribution lists with Aspose.Email for .NET 3.0

Aspose.Email for JavaWe are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Email for Java 3.0.0 which includes a number of new features and bug fixes.

Adding and retrieving MapiContacts to/from Exchange server using ExchangeWebService has been part of our API for some time. This month’s release introduces a new feature for deleting contacts from an Exchange Server using EWS.

Microsoft Outlook offers capability to create contacts distribution lists in a PST. This feature was lagging in our API until this month’s release. We … Continue Reading

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Filter Email Messages by Message ID using C#

Aspose.Email for Java

Aspose.Email for .NET 2.6.0 has been released. With the release of this version, one can now filter messages using the MessageID of an email from an Exchange server. For this purpose, the MailQueryBuilder class has been equipped with the MessageID filter that can be used in combination of other filters to get the desired results.

This month’s release also includes a number of important bug fixes, reported by our users, related to how Aspose.Email manages PSTs. In addition, other bug fixes … Continue Reading

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Add Contacts to Exchange Server using Aspose.Email for .NET 2.1.0

Aspose.Email for .NET

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Email for .NET 2.1.0. This release includes new features, enhancements to existing features and resolution of reported issues. One of the new features is the ability to add contacts to an Exchange Server. This new version also supports logging the activity of Aspose.Email’s SMTP client for tracing purposes. We have also introduced setting the follow-up flag and due date for messages.

In addition to the new features mentioned above, we have fixed … Continue Reading

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