Tag Archives: DevProConnections

Aspose Newsletter December 2011

Aspose wins DevProConnections Community Choice Awards

This month we won two medals in the DevProConnections Community Awards! Thank you to everyone who voted for us. It is great to know that our users like our products enough to vote for us. Read the news release.

To celebrate, and to offer something back to our community, we are running a sweepstake and offering a discount code on our Facebook fan page. Everyone who likes Aspose in December can enter a

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Aspose Wins Two Medals in the DevProConnections Community Choice Awards

Sydney, Australia – November 18, 2011 – Aspose.Network for .NET (now Aspose.Email for .NET) and Aspose.Total for SharePoint were voted among the best products in the DevProConnections Community Awards. The awards run every year. This is the first time that Aspose has taken part.

DevProConnections collects together independent information about how to build Microsoft applications to give Microsoft developer advise and insight. The network focuses on practical solutions based on real-life implementations. DevProConnections covers many aspects of Microsoft development: … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, Aspose.Email Product Family, News Release | Tagged , , , ,

Vote in the DevProConnections Community Choice Awards

Vote for AsposeTexas, USA – August 12, 2011 – DevProConnections collects together independent information about how to build Microsoft applications to give Microsoft developer independent advise and insight. The network focuses on practical solutions based on real-life implementations. DevProConnections covers many aspects of Microsoft development: Visual Studio, .NET Framework, Azure, Windows, Windows Server, through Office, SharePoint, SQL Server, Mobile and more.

DevproConnections runs annual community choice awards in which users nominate and then vote on their favourite companies and products. Aspose has … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family, Aspose.Total Product Family, Aspose.Cells Product Family, Aspose.Email Product Family, News Release | Tagged , , , ,