Tag Archives: Convert STL to PNG

Convert STL to PDF or PNG Image Programmatically in Java

STL files are used to show the geometry of 3D surfaces. However, only a few CAD-related applications support viewing or working with STL files. Therefore, you may need to convert STL files to a PDF or a PNG image. It will let you overview the file in many operating systems and environments because PDF or image file formats are widely supported. Let us walk through the following sections to find more details.

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Convert STL to PDF or PNG Image Programmatically in C#

STL, abbreviated for stereolithography, represents 3D surface geometry. These are frequently used in CAD-related applications. You can convert STL files to PDF quickly and easily. This file format conversion is helpful in scenarios when you need to view the information in different operating systems and environments, because of the compatibility of PDF format. Likewise, you can render STL to PNG images for a quick preview of the file.

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Support for IFC and STL File Formats in Aspose.CAD for .NET

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.CAD for .NET 17.9. The major development in this release is the support for IFC and STL file formats. We have also rectified certain rendering issues incurring in API for exported DWG and DXF files as well.


Now, you can work with IFC and STL files and render them to images and PDF files as per requirement. For more about the supported features, please visit documentation articles, Converting IFC To PNGContinue Reading

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