Tag Archives: community

Aspose Supports West Wind Technologies

West Wind Technologies is a website run by popular blogger and developer Rick Strahl. Rick’s website is a product of his love to code and there you can find Rick’s development Weblog, an extensive article archive of articles, as well as a support message board to have in-depth developer discussions.

Aspose loves getting behind developers in the community which is why we are sponsoring Rick’s website. We recommend you go take a look at the latest he has to … Continue Reading

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Aspose Sponsors JCConf in Taiwan

JCConf Taiwan (J​ava C​ommunity Conference Taiwan) is organized by the TWJUG (Taiwan Java User Group) community for discussion of the Java programming language and related technologies. Their target audience are programmers and project managers that are interested in Java.

JCConf Taiwan 2015 was a big success and this will be the first time they host a two days conference and are expecting more than 450 attendees, 29 sessions, 6 quickies (15 minutes talk) and 2-3 ­hour workshops. Feedbacks from attendees … Continue Reading

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Aspose in the Community

We’re delighted to sponsor developer events in the community. Conferences and user groups play an important role in developers’ ongoing professional development. Software’s not an industry where you can afford to stop learning – that’s what makes it so rewarding.

Aspose is a strong supporter of developer community initiatives. We’ve spent the past few years building a solid schedule of events and groups to sponsor around the globe. This includes:

  • User groups
  • Code camps
  • Summits
  • Community conferences
  • Saturday events
  • TechFests
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Aspose Supports Community Day 2013, Belgium

User groupCommunity Day 2013 is a Belgian conference that lets the community do the talking. Each session is run by a Microsoft user group, delivering content they know is useful and interesting. The main goal of the 2013 edition is to deliver high-quality sessions, and the agenda suggests that they’re succeeded.

Aspose develops components and tools that make the lives of developers and administrators easier. We’re developers ourselves and understand the desire to focus on the interesting stuff like learning new … Continue Reading

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Getting People Together: Sponsoring DDD East Anglia

So far this year we have sponsored a number of user groups and conferences in the Americas, Asia and Europe. We’re can now announce that we’re also sponsoring DDD East Anglia this summer.

DDD East Anglia logo

Vote for Sessions

DDD East Anglia takes place in Cambridge on June 29th, 2013, at the Hauser Forum. The event is free to participants and takes place at the weekend so that anyone can attend. Anyone can suggest a session for the event and which sessions are … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, Developer Community Support | Tagged , , , , ,

Introducing our community: Aspose Newsletter, May 2013

Introducing our Community

Last month we reached 200,000 registered users, an important milestone to us. This month, we can introduce some of our new community members to you. Our users come from a wide variety of industries and from all over the globe. They have many different challenges and Aspose are pleased to help with some of those. Meet our community.

Aspose Launches Examples Application

We have created example applications for .NET and Java. The applications let you run

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Aspose ニュースレター 2013年 5月

Aspose のコミュニティの紹介

先月、Aspose のオンライン コミュニティで登録ユーザー数 20,000 名を達成し、Aspose にとって重要なマイルストーンになりました。今月は、新たなコミュニティ メンバーを紹介します。Aspose のコミュニティには、様々な業界から、また世界中から多くのユーザー様が集まってきます。様々なチャレンジや問題を投稿いただき、それらの解決の支援ができれば幸いと存じます。Aspose のコミュニティでお待ちしております

サンプル アプリケーションの提供開始

.NET と Java 向けのサンプル アプリケーションを作成しました。そのアプリケーションでデスクトップから Aspose のコード サンプルを実行できます。そのアプリケーションは自動的にアップデートされ、常に最新の製品とサンプルを使用します。是非、お試しください: Aspose Examples for .NET または Aspose Examples for Java をダウンロードしてください。

Thank you for reading,
John Owens, Aspose Europe

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Aspose Newsletter, August 2012

What do you think of our products?

We pride ourselves on producing products that save our customers time and effort. We implement our file format expertise so that developers at other companies can focus on their core business and don’t have to worry about coding solutions for working with files. We’d love to hear from you on how we’re doing. We are looking for case studies, testimonials and videos. There are lots of ways you can tell us what you

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Aspose ニュースレター 2012年 8月


Aspose では、お客様の工数削減に貢献できるような製品を提供できるように常に心掛けています。Aspose 製品を使用してファイル フォーマットの実装を行うことで、お客様はビジネス ロジックな部分に集中できるので、ファイル操作に関するコーディングの心配は必要ありません。Aspose では、お客様からの声を大事にしています。皆様からのケース スタディ、お客様からの声、動画投稿などをお待ちしております。フォーラムや、Email などから、お気軽にご連絡ください。

Thank you for reading,
Danny Cooper, Aspose Texas Team Leader

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