Tag Archives: Aspose

DNN Import from PDF using Aspose.PDF

aspose Pdf for net 100 Print Documents with Windows Service, FIPS Compliance, Digitally Sign PDF with Timestamp Server, & Create PDF/A 3B Compliant Document with Aspose.Pdf for .NET 9.2.0

Aspose DNN PDF Import Module allows developers to get/read contents of PDF document without requiring any other software such as Adobe Acrobat or PDF reader. This module demonstrates the powerful import feature provided by Aspose.Pdf. It adds a simple file browser control and an Import from PDF button on the page that the module is added to. When clicking the button, users get the document contents displayed on screen immediately. Aspose DNN PDF Import Module

Aspose DNN PDF Imported Content
Aspose DNN PDF Imported
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Explore the Latest .NET API Examples Using Aspose Visual Studio Plugin 2.0

Aspose Visual Studio Plugin is a great tool to quickly download and explore Aspose .NET API examples. It saves lots of time and effort by providing a very simple option to seamlessly select, download, and open the latest example projects without having to leave your Visual Studio. The new improved 2.0 version provides the following features:

  • Supports Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2012.
  • Easy to launch from File or Tools menu in Visual Studio
  • Saves time and reduces the
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Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, News Release | Tagged , , , ,

Aspose Newsletter, August 2012

What do you think of our products?

We pride ourselves on producing products that save our customers time and effort. We implement our file format expertise so that developers at other companies can focus on their core business and don’t have to worry about coding solutions for working with files. We’d love to hear from you on how we’re doing. We are looking for case studies, testimonials and videos. There are lots of ways you can tell us what you

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Aspose ニュースレター 2012年 8月


Aspose では、お客様の工数削減に貢献できるような製品を提供できるように常に心掛けています。Aspose 製品を使用してファイル フォーマットの実装を行うことで、お客様はビジネス ロジックな部分に集中できるので、ファイル操作に関するコーディングの心配は必要ありません。Aspose では、お客様からの声を大事にしています。皆様からのケース スタディ、お客様からの声、動画投稿などをお待ちしております。フォーラムや、Email などから、お気軽にご連絡ください。

Thank you for reading,
Danny Cooper, Aspose Texas Team Leader

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Posted in Aspose Japan, Customer Newsletters | Tagged , , ,

Aspose Newsletter, April 2012

10 years in business and a new home page

In March, Aspose turned ten. We’re continuing to celebrate our tenth birthday this year and will introduce you to some of our very first users in the coming months. We’re also collecting stories about your experience of working with Aspose. If you have a story you want to share, please email us. We’re interested in hearing how your work has changed over the last 10 years, and how you have

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Aspose ニュースレター 2012年 4月

10周年と新しい Web ページ

3月に、Aspose は創業 10周年を迎えました。10周年を記念して、今月は、新規ユーザー様の事例をいくつか紹介します。Aspose ではまた、Aspose 製品の事例を募集しています。Aspose 製品の事例を Email にて、ご連絡いただければ幸いです。Aspose では、お客様がどのように Aspose 製品を使用し、お客様の業務にどのように役立っているか、などの情報を収集して、今後の製品とサービスの向上に活かしていきたいと思っております。また、新規のお客様、最近 Aspose 製品を使用し始めたお客様、既存のお客様など、多くの Aspose 製品のお客様にとって役に立つ情報になると思っています。

Many thanks,
Danny Cooper, Aspose Texas Team Leader

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Posted in Aspose Japan, Customer Newsletters | Tagged , , , , ,

Aspose Celebrates its 10th Birthday

Celebrating 10 years of businessAspose started trading in 2002. A decade later, the company has gone from a couple of people working on one product to teams across the globe developing and supporting over 20 products across five platforms. The software industry changes quickly, so what has Aspose done to adapt and grow in the last 10 years?

1. We listened to our customers

It is great fun to come up with a new product or service but if you can’t sell it, you … Continue Reading

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Validate Email Messages (EML) with Aspose.Email for Java

Validate Email Messages

Aspose.Email for Java 1.4.0 has been released. This release includes the latest improvements made to the Aspose.Email for Java component.

An attractive feature of Aspose.Email is the ability to validate EML. The MailMessage class has exposed a new static method, ValidateMessage, that accepts an EML file through a file path or as a stream and returns an object of EmlValidationErrorCollection. If the returned collection is empty then no validation problems have been detected. Else, you may parse the collection to … Continue Reading

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Part 2: Aspose File Components for .NET and WCF – Airline Reservation Example Architecture

Aspose.Total icon

Aspose.Total for .NET can be used in a variety of scenarios and with many different technologies and applications. In this series, we’re looking into the airline reservation scenario. We’re building a small application based on WCF, Windows Forms, and a few Aspose components for file manipulation. This is the second part of the series. You may have a look into the first part at the following URL: Part 1: Aspose File Components for .NET and WCF – Airline Reservation Example Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, Shahzad Latif | Tagged , , , , , , , , ,