Tag Archives: Aspose.Cells for .NET

Create Pivot Tables in Excel and Sort or Hide Data using C# .NET

C# Library to Create and Sort PivotTable in Excel

In this article, you’ll learn how to create Pivot Table in Excel and sort or hide the Pivot Table data or items programmatically in C# using Aspose.Cells for .NET – .NET API to create and manipulate Excel spreadsheets without requiring Microsoft Excel.

Pivot Tables in Excel

Things have gone digital and automated solutions for the generation and manipulation of Excel spreadsheets are widely used. The Pivot Tables in Excel are extensively used to summarize and analyze the data. Whereas sorting … Continue Reading

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Embedded Fonts Management support in Aspose.Slides

embed fonts in PowerPoint

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Slides for .NET 17.8. This is one of important product releases whereby we have added support for certain long awaiting features along with resolution of incurring issues in API.


Following features have been introduced in this release.

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Sitefinity Dynamic Forms Builder with Data Export to Excel, CSV, Text and OpenDocument Spreadsheet using Aspose.Cells for .NET

aspose Cells for net

Aspose.Cells Dynamic Forms for Sitefinity Module allows users to Generate Dynamic Questionnaire and Surveys, save user input into Excel spreadsheets and Export the results into Excel, Text, CSV and OpenDocument Spreadsheet using Aspose.Cells. This module demonstrates the powerful spreadsheet building feature provided by Aspose.Cells for .NET.

Features in this Release

This initial version of the module is enriched with the following features to make the Forms Building and Export process simple and easy … Continue Reading

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Explore Aspose.Cells for .NET API Examples using Visual Studio Plugin

Visual Studio plugin for Aspose.Cell for .NET code examples is a great tool for quickly downloading and exploring Aspose.Cells for .NET API examples. We are pleased to announce a new release that supports exploring examples of Aspose.Cells for .NET. This plugin saves a lot of time and effort by providing a very simple option for seamlessly selecting, downloading and opening the latest example projects without having to leave the Visual Studio environment.

This version … Continue Reading

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Generate Dynamic Questionnaire and Surveys and Export Results into Excel, Text, CSV and OpenDocument using Aspose.Cells Forms for DNN

Aspose.Cells Dynamic Forms for DNN Module allows users to Generate Dynamic Questionnaire and Surveys, save user input into Excel spreadsheets and Export the results into Excel, Text, CSV and OpenDocument Spreadsheet using Aspose.Cells. This module demonstrates the powerful spreadsheet building feature provided by Aspose.Cells for .NET.

Features in this Release

This initial version of the module is enriched with the following features to make the Forms Building and Export process simple and easy … Continue Reading

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Aspose.Cells for .NET VS OpenXML SDK – Deal with Microsoft Excel Documents

We’ve added more examples in the release of the Aspose.Cell for .NET features unavailable in OpenXML Excel SDK. These examples show how different tasks can be performed using Aspose.Cells for .NET APIs in comparison with OpenXML SDK to deal with Microsoft Excel documents. This project is helpful for developers who want to migrate from OpenXML to Aspose or compare OpenXML with Aspose.Cells.

What’s new?

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More Code Examples of Aspose.Cells for .NET in Comparison with NPOI HWPF and XWPF

We are pleased to announce another release of Aspose.Cells for NPOI (HWPF and XWPF) which shows how different tasks can be performed using Aspose.Cells .NET APIs in comparison with NPOI. Code Comparison of Aspose Cells for .NET with NPOI is helpful for developers who want to compare NPOI with the easiness and flexibility of Aspose.Cells for .NET OR migrate from NPOI to Aspose.Cells.

What’s New in this Release v 1.1

Below are the features of another release of comparison examples … Continue Reading

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Calculate the Width and Height of the Cell Value and Get an Array of Values from ICustomFunction using Aspose.Cells for .NET 8.5.1

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Aspose.Cells for .NET 8.5.1 has been released. This release contains some useful features and other enhancements along with some critical bug fixes. If you are planning to upgrade the Aspose.Cells for .NET API to the latest revision, we would strongly suggest you to check the complete Public API Changes section to know what has been changed in the API so far. We have provided a few important features in this month’s release.

Calculate the Width and Height of the Cell

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Retrieve Excel Worksheet Instance from Chart using C#

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Aspose.Cells for .NET 8.2.2 has been released. This release contains useful new features and a number of improvements. It introduces contains over 60 improvements, including the new features listed below. If you are planning to upgrade the API from a previous release, we suggest you check the Public API Changes section.

Get Worksheet Instance of the Chart using C#

Before the release of Aspose.Cells for .NET 8.2.2, retrieving the Worksheet instance from the Chart object was not possible. The latest … Continue Reading

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Directly Converting Excel Files to Pdf with Aspose.Cells

In previous versions, converting Excel files to Pdf needs two components: Aspose.Cells and Aspose.Pdf. With the new version v4.7.0, users can use Aspose.Cells for .NET only to implement this feature. This new change greatly optimizes speed and memory usage.

You will utilize the overloaded Save method of the Workbook class providing the SaveFormat.Pdf enum member that converts the native excel file to pdf format.

The above steps are implemented in the following example.



// Instantiate the Workbook object
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