Tag Archives: Aspose for Java APIs

Jython Code Examples to deal with Presentation documents using Aspose.Slides for Java

We are pleased to announce “Aspose.Slides Java for Jython”, a new project for Jython developers. Project is aimed to provide useful examples for Jython developers who want to utilize Aspose.Slides for Java API in their Jython applications to deal with Presentation documents.

Download, Installation and Usage

Please check the links below to find instructions on downloading, installing and using Aspose.Slides Java for Jython.

  • Downloads and Installation


You can download the latest version from:


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Posted in Aspose.Slides Product Family | Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

Read Excel Cell Values with Multiple Threads in Java

Aspose.Cells for Java

We have just released this month’s improvements to Aspose.Cells for Java by upgrading the API to version 8.2.0. This release contains 18 improvements, including the showcased feature discussed below. You can download the latest Aspose.Cells for Java release from the download section now, and start exploring the newly added features. If you are planning to upgrade the API from a previous version, we recommend you to check the Public API Changes section for details on what has been changed since … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family, Babar Raza | Tagged , , , , ,