Tag Archives: anniversary

Aspose Newsletter, March 2012

We’re celebrating our 10th birthday!

Aspose has been in business for 10 years. Over the years the company has grown and gone from one small team in Australia to several teams all over the world. It has been a fun 10 years and we have learned a lot. We want to thank all of our customers, from the very first company that invested in us, to the most recent. We’ll continue to listen to what you tell us you need

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Aspose Celebrates Five Years of Business

March 14, 2007 – Sydney, Australia – Aspose Ltd started trading in 2002. In the last five years the company has come a long way. What started as a Sydney-based team that developed components for .NET developers, has grown to a company with teams in Australia, US, New Zealand, Ukraine, Pakistan and China that deliver high-quality class libraries and components for .NET and Java. Not satisfied with two platforms, Aspose are planning to launch their first rendering extension for SQL … Continue Reading

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