Tag Archives: .NET

More Code Examples of Aspose.Cells for .NET in Comparison with NPOI HWPF and XWPF

We are pleased to announce another release of Aspose.Cells for NPOI (HWPF and XWPF) which shows how different tasks can be performed using Aspose.Cells .NET APIs in comparison with NPOI. Code Comparison of Aspose Cells for .NET with NPOI is helpful for developers who want to compare NPOI with the easiness and flexibility of Aspose.Cells for .NET OR migrate from NPOI to Aspose.Cells.

What’s New in this Release v 1.2

Below are the features of another release of comparison examples … Continue Reading

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Generate Word Document by One-Click in Microsoft Dynamics CRM

The Aspose .NET OneClick Word Document Generator is an open source add-on used to generate and export documents from CRM. You can design template in word and attach in CRM and generate document as you want. You can use OneClick Word Document Generator with Account, Contact, Lead, Opportunity and Quote Entity. It provides option to Attach the generated document with the record itself and you can download the document as well. This add-on can also resolve option set and look-up … Continue Reading

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More examples of Aspose.Cells for .NET features missing in VSTO to deal with Microsoft Excel Documents

We’ve added more examples in the release of the Aspose.Cell for .NET features unavailable in VSTO Excel. Code Missing features of VSTO in Aspose.Cells for .NET helps you to understand the extra features and importance of Aspose.Cells over VSTO Excel.

What’s New in the release of v1.1

  • Save Workbook to Text or CSV Format
  • Encrypting Excel Files
  • Display or Hide Tabs
  • Display or Hide Scroll Bars
  • Display or Hide Gridline
  • Display or Hide Row Column Headers
  • Advanced Protection Settings since
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Generate and Send Linear Barcodes via e-mail using MS Dynamics CRM

aspose BarCode for net

Aspose .NET BarCode Generator is an open source add-on used to generate and send BarCodes from CRM via E-mail. You can configure multiple BarCodes within CRM and generate BarCode in an e-mail as you want. The configuration provides multiple symbologies options and you can also select these configurations while creating e-mail. Aspose .NET BarCode Generator can be used with CRM on-premises and CRM Online.

Features in this Release

The release of this add-on supports the following features:

  • Create and Configure
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Umbraco Quote Generator for Umbraco Using Powerful Features of Aspose.Words for .NET

Aspose .NET Quote Generator for Umbraco is an open-source module from Aspose that enables users to generate Quotes in your Umbraco site without requiring any other software. It uses the powerful features of Aspose.Words for .NET to allow you to easily generate quotations.

This initial version of the module is enriched with the following features to make the quote-generating process effective, simple, and easy to use.

Module Features

  • Generate quotations with MailMerged template
  • Allow
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Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family, Aspose.Total Product Family | Tagged , , , , , , ,

More examples of Aspose.Words for .NET features missing in OpenXML SDK to deal with Microsoft Word

We are pleased to announce another release of more examples provided by Aspose.Words for .NET features missing in OpenXML Words. These examples show how different tasks can be performed using Aspose.Words for .NET APIs in comparison with OpenXML to work with Microsoft Word and OpenOffice. This project will help you to migrate from OpenXML to Aspose.Words.

What’s New in this Release v 1.1

Below are the list of more example of Missing Features of OpenXML SDK provided by Aspose.Words … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , ,

More Code Examples of Aspose.Words for .NET in Comparison with NPOI HWPF and XWPF

We are pleased to announce another release of Aspose.Words for NPOI (HWPF and XWPF) which shows how different tasks can be performed using Aspose.Words .NET APIs in comparison with NPOI. Code Comparison of Aspose Words for .NET with NPOI is helpful for developers who want to compare NPOI with the easiness and flexibility of Aspose.Words for .NET OR migrate from NPOI to Aspose.Words.

What’s New in this Release v 1.1

Below are the features of another release of comparison examples … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family | Tagged , , , , , , ,

More Enhancements for PivotTables Included in Aspose.Cells for .NET 7.5.3

Aspose.Cells for .NET logoAspose.Cells for .NET 7.5.3 has been released. This month’s release includes an enhancement for reading and writing page setup options in HTML files. We have also made several enhancements for rendering, manipulating and refreshing PivotTables.  We have fixed a few exceptions when reading and writing Excel files and manipulating PivotTables in a template file.

In this release, several important issues have been addressed. For example, issues around rendering Excel files, rendering and manipulating PivotTables, rendering image files, converting Excel files … Continue Reading

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Aspose.Slides for .NET 7.8.0 Maintenance Release

We like to share the announcement of new release of Aspose.Slides for .NET. This is a maintenance release where several presentation rendering issues have been addressed. We have now improved the HTML import support in Aspose.Slides text frames and have provided support for tables tags, text formatting tags and many other embedded CSS properties tags.

We have resolved many chart, table and text rendering, as well as export to PDF issues in this new release. Many slide cloning and table … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, Aspose.Slides Product Family | Tagged , , , , , ,

Custom Data Sorting Supported and Other Enhancements in Aspose.Cells for .NET 7.5.2

Aspose.Cells for .NET logoAspose.Cells for .NET 7.5.2 has been released. The new release supports adding custom data sorting. We have added some significant enhancements for copying ranges with conditional formatting and clearing the Textbox collection. We have fixed a few exceptions when reading and writing Excel files, and writing legend entries in charts.

In this release, several important issues have been addressed. For example, issues around rendering Microsoft Excel file formats, rendering and manipulating PivotTables, converting Excel files to HTML format, adding background … Continue Reading

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