Create SVG Image File Programmatically using C#

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) images are popular for their scalability. They are frequently used over the web for displaying visual information. In this article, you will learn how to create an SVG image file programmatically using C#. The following sections cover different use cases.

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Convert DOCX to DOC or DOC to DOCX using C++

Microsoft Word documents are available in two formats, DOC and DOCX. DOC is an older format, and DOCX is its successor. You can convert DOCX files to DOC format and vice-versa. In this article, you will learn how to convert a DOCX file to DOC format and a DOC file to DOCX format. You will also see how to perform these conversions in bulk.

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Convert LaTeX to Word using Java

TEX is a widely used format for typesetting articles, books, and other publications. A TEX file is comprised of different tags to insert text, graphics, mathematical equations, symbols, etc. Most of the TEX editors generate the output of a TEX file as a PDF document. However, in certain cases, you may need to generate a Word document from the TEX file. For such cases, this article covers how to convert LaTeX file (.tex) to Word format using Java.

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Convert PowerPoint PPT to PPTX using Java

PowerPoint PPTX is an advanced version of PPT that is based on XML. With the support of XML, it becomes easier for other types of programs to open PowerPoint presentations. In order to get the benefit of the latest features offered by PPTX, you may need to convert PPT files to PPTX. For such cases, this article covers how to convert PowerPoint PPT files to PPTX using Java.

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Convert PUB to HTML webpage Programmatically using C#

In different scenarios, you can need to convert Microsoft Publisher (PUB) files to an HTML webpage. You may customize the output HTML file with different properties as per your requirements. In this article, you will learn how to convert a PUB file to an HTML webpage in HTML5 or XHTML format programmatically using C#.

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Convert Images to PDF Format using C++

PDF is a popular format that many organizations use for sharing documents over the internet. You might find yourself in situations where you need to create a PDF file from images of scanned documents or invoices. In light of this, this article will teach you how to convert images to PDF format using C++.

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Split Text to Multiple Columns in Excel using Python

In various cases, you may need to split text in a column into multiple columns in an Excel worksheet. The splitting criteria could be a blank space, a comma, a special character, etc. In this article, you will learn how to split a text into columns in an Excel worksheet using Python. It automates the Text to Columns feature of MS Excel.

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Create Charts in Excel using Java

Charts and graphs are used to summarize and visually represent the data. They give an insight that can further be used to make the decisions. Charts are considered to be an integral part of Excel spreadsheets and are widely used in various applications. In this article, you will learn how to generate charts programmatically from the data provided in the Excel worksheets. Particularly, the article covers how to create different types of charts in Excel using Java.

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Convert TeX to PDF or XPS File Programmatically using C++

TeX files are used for typesetting different documents and books containing text, symbols, and arithmetic expressions. In addition, these files can generate outputs like PDFXPS, and various image formats. In this article, you will learn how to convert TeX files to XPS and PDF format using C++.

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Convert Image to Searchable Word Document (DOC/DOCX) using Java

You can convert an image to a searchable or editable word document in DOCX as well as DOC file format. Popular image formats like JPG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, etc., can be converted to a word document (DOC/DOCX) with OCR in Java.

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