Category Archive: Aspose.Slides Product Family

Official blog of Aspose.Slides for .NET, Java, Reporting Services & JasperReports with news of newly supported features, hot fixes, technical articles, tips and videos.

Create Charts in PowerPoint Presentations in Python

Charts are used for the graphical representation of the data to make the analysis easier. Therefore, MS PowerPoint supports a range of charts to visualize the data in different ways. Among all, the most commonly used charts include pie charts, line charts, bar charts, histograms, stock charts, etc. In this article, you will learn how to create these charts in PowerPoint PPT or PPTX in Python.

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Add Video Frame in PowerPoint PPT using Python

MS PowerPoint allows adding media elements to the presentations such as audio and video. Video frames are used to insert the video clips from local files or web sources. In this article, you will learn how to add video frames in a PowerPoint PPT or PPTX in Python. We will also demonstrate how to embed videos from a web source such as YouTube and extract videos from a PPT.

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Lock and Unlock Shapes in PowerPoint PPT in C#

The protection of digital documents is a common concern these days. You don't want any unauthorized person to change the content of your documents. Therefore, it becomes inevitable to use effective protection mechanisms. Accordingly, in this article, we will show you how to protect PPT/PPTX presentations from within your .NET applications. We will accomplish that by locking the shapes in a PowerPoint PPT or PPTX in C#.

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Add Text or Image Watermark to PowerPoint PPT in Python

Watermarks are commonly used to protect a document or to specify its ownership. On the other hand, they are used to display the status of a document such as manuscript, draft, etc. In this article, we will demonstrate how to insert watermarks in PowerPoint presentations. You will learn how to add text or image watermark to PowerPoint PPT slides in Python.

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Apply Animation Effects to Text in PowerPoint PPT using Python

MS PowerPoint provides various animation effects which are used to make the presentations interesting and draw the attention of the viewers. These animations can be applied to slides, text, shapes, or other elements. In this article, we will focus on animating text in a PowerPoint PPT. Particularly, you will learn how to apply and retrieve text animation programmatically in Python.

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Add or Remove Comments in PowerPoint PPT in Java

In PowerPoint presentations, the comments are used to write the feedback about the content in the slides. While manipulating PowerPoint PPT/PPTX presentations, you may need to add comments programmatically. In this article, you will learn how to add comments to PowerPoint PPT slides in Java. Moreover, we will cover how to read or remove slide comments and add their replies.

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Apply 3D Effects in PowerPoint PPT in Java

3D effects in PowerPoint are used to make the presentations more attractive and catch users' attention Therefore, you may come across the requirement of adding 3D objects to presentations programmatically. In this article, you will learn how to create 3D effects in PowerPoint PPT or PPTX in Java. We will show you how to create 3D text and shapes and apply 3D effects to images.

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Add or Remove Hyperlinks in PowerPoint PPT in C#

Hyperlinks in documents are used to navigate from one location to another. Generally, in PowerPoint presentations, they are used to insert URLs of webpages. You can create a hyperlink of text, image, shape, or a media element in PowerPoint PPT slides. In this article, you will learn how to add hyperlinks to PowerPoint PPT/PPTX in C#. Moreover, we will cover how to remove hyperlinks from PPT slides programmatically.

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Add or Remove Comments in PowerPoint PPT in C#

While reviewing the content in PowerPoint presentations, the comments are used to write the feedback. The comments can be added against a particular word, phrase, or anything on a PPT slide. In this article, you will learn how to add comments to PowerPoint PPT slides programmatically in C#. Moreover, we will cover how to read or remove slide comments and add their replies.

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Convert PowerPoint PPT Slides to SVG in Python

Convert PowerPoint PPT Slides to SVG in Python

PowerPoint PPT or PPTX files are often converted to other formats for different purposes. This could be useful when you are printing the slides, creating a slideshow or a PowerPoint viewer, etc. Among other formats, SVG is a popular vector image format that is used to represent the PPT slides. Accordingly, in this article, you will learn how to convert PowerPoint PPT slides to SVG images in Python.

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