Category Archive: Aspose.PDF Product Family

Official blog of Aspose.PDF for .NET, Java, Android, C++ & Reporting Services with news of newly supported features, hot fixes, technical articles, tips and videos.

Multiple TOC, proper rendering of RTL text

Rendering of non-English text especially RTL inside PDF has never been so much easy. The new version of Aspose.Pdf for .NET 5.1.0 provides the support for placing Arabic, Hebrew etc text inside PDF in their normal way. Create Multiple TOC (Table Of Contents) in a single PDF, specify different background color for each Heading object (even if they are on the same level). A very intelligent feature of placing image as table cell background has been introduced. This… Continue Reading
Posted in Aspose.PDF Product Family, Nayyer Shahbaz |

SubScript and SuperScript Text in PDF in Reporting Services

Leaping ahead in the quest for producing better rendering products, Aspose is proud to release another version of Aspose.Pdf for Reporting Services which provides the capability to render SubScript and SuperScript text in resultant PDF documents. You can either use “custom report property” or “Sub and Sup HTML tags” to render the text accordingly. The margin rendering has become even more precise and the resultant PDF’s are more identical to the source report documents.

Please visit the following link to … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.PDF Product Family, Nayyer Shahbaz |

.NET Framework 4.0 support. Render Arabic digits, dates and better HTML to PDF

A new HotFix of Aspose.Pdf for .NET has just been released. This version includes a great support of displaying Arabic digits, dates and punctuation inside PDF document. Nevertheless, now the product has become stable to be used with .NET Framework 4.0.  You can also add images stored in Unmanaged MemoryStream object. There has been a huge requirement of specifying different Background color information for different levels of Table Of Contents and I am pleased to share that this requirement can… Continue Reading
Posted in Aspose.PDF Product Family |

PDF to Image Conversion, PDF Concatenation, Bookmark Editing, and Stripping JavaScript Features are Improved in Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET.

Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET 5.4.0 is now available for download. In this latest version, we have improved PDF to image conversion, PDF file concatenation, bookmark editing, and JavaScript stripping features. Previously, we introduced Strip method to remove JavaScript from the PDF file. This method enabled you to provide input and output PDF files as string parameters — file paths. We had discussed this earlier in this post. However, with this latest release, we have added an overloaded Strip method to support… Continue Reading
Posted in Aspose.PDF Product Family |

PCL to PDF, Stable HTML to PDF, Multiline Hyperlink, Transparent GIF

Start exploring the new version of Aspose.PDF for Java as it includes a new feature of PCL to PDF conversion. Specify Job control, Page control, Cursor positioning, Font selection, Raster graphics, Color, Print model, Rectangular area fill command in order to convert PCL5 files containing text, raster and vector graphics to PDF documents.

Be more confident and tranquil while converting HTML text into PDF with this version as it includes many fixes regarding this feature. It also provides superb support … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.PDF Product Family |

Parse PostScript and Convert PDF to Image using C#

Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET 5.3.0 has been released with some improvements. During the development of this version, the major focus areas were PDF to image conversion with improved text rendering, better OpenType font support during image conversion and importing data from XML to PDF form.

In certain scenarios, while converting PDF to images, some of the characters were missing or most of the text was not rendered at all. However, with the improved OpenType font support and enhanced text rendering Aspose.Pdf.Kit … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.PDF Product Family |

HTML paragraph tag and BindFO formatting issues resolved

As you may know, we just have released our latest release version of Aspose.Pdf for .NET. Beside the regular fixes, this release incorporates even better support for <p> HTML tag and various XSL-FO tags, which ultimately produce more professional PDF documents with highest degree of precision.

In order to view a complete list of fixes and to download Aspose.Pdf for .NET 5.0.0, please visit this link.Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.PDF Product Family |

Highest degree of precision PDF, from JasperServer & JasperReports

We are pleased to announce the first release of Aspose.Pdf for JasperReports. This product is fully compatible with both JasperServer and JasperReports. It supports almost all the .jrxml specifications. This implies that there is no need to redesign or customize your existing reports to work with Aspose.Pdf for JasperReports.  So, you can simply use the report designer of your choice and the report will be exported exactly the way you designed it.

Aspose.Pdf for JasperReports engine supports many chart layouts, Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.PDF Product Family |

PDF to TIFF Conversion Performance, PDF to Image Conversion, and Form Filling and Text Replacement Features in C# PDF API

We have published the new version of Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET. In Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET 5.2.0, we have improved the features relating to image rendering, PDF to TIFF conversion, filling form fields, replacing text and exporting bookmarks to XML.

We have also introduced the mechanism to improve the PDF to TIFF conversion performance. A technical article titled ‘Performance Improvement for PDF to TIFF Conversion‘ has been added to elaborate on the new mechanism. This article explains the reason for … Continue Reading

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BindHTML, Table repeating row style, Form field validation, XSL-FO to PDF

One of the major release versions of Aspose.Pdf for .NET 4.9.0 has been resolved. This release version has targeted around fifty defects/new features/enhancements that were requested/reported in earlier versions. Some of the most demanding features i.e. BindHTML(….), Different style for table repeating rows, Enable/Disable Trace/Logging output, different PageInfo for various pages of PDF document, support for form field validation and custom calculations, specifying BackgroundImage for table cell, remarkable support for converting TIFF images to PDF, flattening form fields after creation, better Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.PDF Product Family |