Category Archive: Aspose.Font Product Family

Official blog of Aspose.Font for .NET & Java with news of newly supported features, hot fixes, technical articles, tips and videos.

Convert TTF to WOFF and WOFF2 using Java

As a Java developer, you can easily convert true-type fonts into Web fonts programmatically in Java applications. In this article, you will learn how to convert TTF to WOFF and WOFF2 using Java.

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Detect Latin Symbols Support in TrueType or Type1 Fonts using C#

As a C# developer, you can easily determine whether any TrueType font or Type1 font supports Latin symbols or not. In this article, you will learn how to detect Latin symbols support in fonts using C#.

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Convert WOFF to TTF using C#

As a C# developer, you can easily convert Web fonts (WOFF or WOFF2) to True Type Fonts (TTF) programmatically. In this article, you will learn how to convert WOFF to TTF using C#.

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Convert TTF to WOFF using C#

Convert TTF to WOFF using C#

Fonts define the graphical representation of an individual character in the text, such as its size, display style, weight, color, etc. TTF (True Type Font) works fine on all digital platforms and gives excellent quality on-screen and in printed documents. On the other hand, the WOFF (Web Open Font Format) is mostly used in web pages. It contains format-specific compression and additional XML metadata. In certain cases, we may need to convert true-type fonts into Web … Continue Reading

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Detect Latin Symbols in TrueType and Type1 Fonts using Java

Fonts are a set of printable or displayable characters with different styles, weights, etc. They are used to add a different look and feel to documents or web pages based on different requirements. Font files contain the design and other information regarding the font. In this article, we will use the font files to detect whether a font supports Latin symbols or not programmatically with Java.

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Render Text with TrueType and Type1 Fonts using Java

render text using font in Java

In the previous article, you have seen how to load CFF, TrueType and Type1 fonts programmatically using Java. Today, we will discuss another interesting feature of our Java font manipulation API – rendering text using fonts. By the end of this article, you will be able to render text using TrueType and Type1 fonts from within your Java applications. So let’s start.

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Manipulate CFF, TrueType, and Type1 Fonts using Java

Fonts play an important role in the presentation of the text within the documents and web pages. Various font families are available that allow you to use fancy characters in order to make your text appealing. Since Aspose deals with file format automation, we have launched a dedicated font manipulation API to work with font file formats. In this article, you will get familiar with our Java Font API and learn how to work with CFF, TrueType, OpenType, and Type1 fonts from within your Java applications.

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Render TrueType Fonts Programmatically using C++

Characters are symbols that explain the meanings of different words. You can render different text characters with TrueType fonts using C++ with Aspose.Font for C++ API. It supports different text rendering features including TrueType, Type1, and other fonts. Let us explore how to use the text rendering features with a few simple API calls.

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Detect Latin Symbols in TrueType and Type1 Fonts using C++

In the previous post, you have seen how to load and work with CFF, TrueType, OpenType, and Type1 fonts from within your C++ applications. This article takes you one step further by demonstrating how to detect the Latin symbols in a font programmatically using C++. After detection, you can decide whether a font supports the Latin symbols or not.
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Work with CFF, TrueType, and Type1 Fonts using C++

Fonts are an integral part of the digital documents and web pages that are used to define the appearance of the text. The font files are used to store information about the fonts such as styles, weight, size and etc. There could be the case when you would need to manipulate fonts in order to extract their information. For such scenarios, in this article, you will learn how to load and read information from TrueType, CFF, and Type1 fonts using C++.
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