Category Archive: Roman Korchagin

Lead Developer, Aspose Auckland Team

Why Find and Replace Could be so Complex in Aspose.Words

The other day a customer asked how he can replace a piece of text in a Word document with a hyperlink To answer this seemingly simple question, Vladimir quickly created an example. I think the example is very smart, many thanks to Vladimir. You can see the code here

But the example at the same time is very complex. I cringe that our Aspose.Words object model requires to write such tricky code to do a simple operation such as this find and … Continue Reading

Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Your Chance to Influence the Future of Aspose.Words

We successfully raised several features or development issues for public discussion before. Those resulted in useful outcomes (for example ImportFormatMode). We intend to continue seeking feedback from the users of Aspose.Words how you want to see the product grow and evolve.

At the moment two more topics are available for you to comment on:

Points or Twips?

Do We Need More Namespaces?… Continue Reading

Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Aspose.Words 1.0 for Java Released

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Words 1.0 for Java

Aspose.Words for Java is a close port of our very popular Aspose.Words for .NET.

Aspose.Words 1.0 for Java corresponds to the set of features available in Aspose.Words 3.3 for .NET with the following exceptions:

  • Import and export of HTML is not yet supported.
  • Export to PDF is not yet supported.
  • Images and drawing objects in documents are not supported.

Aspose.Words Product Documentation is being updated to include information for both .NET … Continue Reading

Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Backing Up Aspose.Word Files

I’ve been trying to find a good backup utility for our development environment for long time. I wanted to backup to DVD because it is great in terms of storage space, price and availability. I was trying various programs found by googling, but all to unsatisfactory results. Some were crashing, some did not handle many files well, took hours just counting the files. Some were full of adware.

Today is a great day because I ended up using Firestreamer-RM (Removable Media) from Cristalink … Continue Reading

Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Aspose.Word for Java Preview

Glad to announce that we are ready to release Aspose.Word for Java. We expect Aspose.Word 1.0 for Java will be available for downloads within the first 2 weeks of January 2006. Aspose.Word for Java is an almost direct port from the original C# version. In the future, we will keep developing new features in Aspose.Word for .NET and then porting them to Aspose.Word for Java. We will try to keep the delay between the release of a new feature… Continue Reading
Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Aspose.Word Success Stories Added

Thanks to some of our customers we have a couple of great success stories to share:

  • Manufacturing Company Achieves Paperless Proof-of-Delivery using Aspose.Word
  • Faculty Comment and Grade Management Solution for a School

Hopefully the list of stories will grow. The stories will be published in Aspose.Word Wiki. If you are interested in contributing, please let us know.… Continue Reading

Posted in Roman Korchagin |

How good Java package design is for commercial components?

We are working on a port of Aspose.Word from C# to Java and I’m baffled by some Java features (or a lack of them) that we take for granted in C#. I don’t intend to abuse Java in anyway, but I think if this language is to survive, they are ought to move and rework these things faster.

One thing that strikes me a lot is the lack of “internal” accessibility level for classes and methods. I think it is a … Continue Reading

Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Aspose.Word team expanding again

Please welcome our new team member Vladimir Averkin who is a dedicated Aspose.Word Technical Support person. He will be replying to your questions in the forums, creating more code examples and improving product documentation.

It is great to see our team growing as a result of the number of Aspose.Word customers growing. We hope to be able to provide even better support and deliver more new features faster.

 … Continue Reading

Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Aspose.Word Exceptions

I recently read this article in MSDN blogs Design Guidelines Update: Exception Throwing and this prompted me to finally review how Aspose.Word throws exceptions.

I must say I agree with everything what Krzysztof says in that article and I was actually doing exactly that for ages in my C++ and Delphi projects long before .NET. Of course that was raising some eyebrows from many developers whom I used to work with, but I knew it would come out right in the … Continue Reading

Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Authoring API Help for .NET Projects

I’m looking for a tool that will help me efficiently author quaility API documentation for Aspose.Word and other components. I’ve looked at several commercial and free tools and nothing really suits. It looks like my requirements for a help authoring tool come from a different planet.

1. I want to use C# XML comments to create the API documentation. Therefore, the documentation will essentially be in XML format.

2. I want the documentation for public classes and methods to be … Continue Reading

Posted in Roman Korchagin |