Category Archive: Roman Korchagin

Lead Developer, Aspose Auckland Team

Example: Combine Documents

Added a new code example to the API Reference and to Wiki about how to combine documents:

The new thing about this example is that it comes in three languages:

  • C#
  • VB.NET
  • Java

It is a start of the things to come. Soon, all examples will automatically come in three languages. The API Reference for Aspose.Words for Java will also be much more useful soon.… Continue Reading

Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Aspose.Words 3.6.1 Released

New Features

  • List styles are fully supported during load, save and copy between DOC files. Note there is still no rich public API to deal with list formatting, but this feature is a prerequisite step towards it.
  • Added CompositeNode.GetChildNodes that returns either “live” or “dead” collection of nodes. Before that all returned collections were live.
  • Added a bit more code examples to the API Reference.


  • Aspose.Words.Viewer Beta throws an exception when you attempt to print. 
  • Fixed handling of the
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Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Navigating Between Parent, Child and Sibling Nodes in the Document Tree

Added a new useful topic in the Aspose.Words documentation:

Navigating Between Parent, Child and Sibling Nodes in the Document Tree

 … Continue Reading

Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Code Examples for Aspose.Words

Aspose.Words (and probably other Aspose components) have been plagued by lack of code examples in the API Reference.

Now we have a great new system that allows us, developers, to build code examples easily and we are putting it into heavy use. As of Aspose.Words 3.6 we included a great deal of new code examples, both for C# and VB.NET into the Aspose.Words API Reference. Our first goal is to provide at least one code example for each class, but … Continue Reading

Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Aspose.Words 3.6 Released

New Features

  • Added a lot of new code examples to the API. Both in C# and VB.NET. The work on code examples continues, we will eventually have examples for all members.
  • Added a new demo project DocumentExplorer. Not only it provides more example code, but it is a useful tool on its own. You can open a document in HTML or DOC format, explore the nodes of the document object model and save the document as DOC, HTML or PDF.
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Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Aspose.Words for Java 1.0.2 Released

  • Add IMailMergeDataSource interface to allow mail merge from any user defined data source.
  • Tidied up clone methods naming convention (renamed all clone methods into deepClone).
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Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Aspose.Words for .NET 3.5.3 Released

New Features

  • Added the Document.AttachedTemplate property that allows to get/set the template attached to the document.
  • Added the Document.ShadeFormData property that allows to turn on/off gray shading under the form fields.

Note the updated documentation for the above properties will be released later.… Continue Reading

Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Aspose.Words 3.5.2 Released

New Features

  • Added ClearFormatting method for RowFormat and CellFormat classes.
  • Added SaveOptions.HtmlExportHeadersFooters that specifies whether to output primary headers and footers to HTML.


  • List bullet is exported as asterisk to PDF.
  • Missing table borders when exporting to PDF. 
  • Table with zero width column causes exception when exporting to PDF.
  • A particular image causes exception when exporting to PDF.
  • Document opens with ‘Drop down form field in old format’ error.
  • RowFormat.AllowBreakAcrossPages is not saved.
  • ‘Unknown cell spacing sides’ error when openning
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Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Aspose.Words for Java 1.0.1 Released

New Features

  • Both JDK 1.4 and 1.5 are now supported. There are two separate Aspose.Words jars included in the download.
  • Aspose.Total for Java licenses are supported.
  • Added to Java OutputStream.


  • Added public constants to StyleIdentifier, VisitorAction and InlineShapeType. 
  • Added proper Styles.getByStyleIdentifier method.
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Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Is it Unit Testing or What?

It’s not a secret we’ve been using unit testing and test-driven development for Aspose.Words from the beginning. I’ve also studied, used and taught unit testing and many XP practices in the “early days”, for example, my Practical Unit Testing articles in MSDN from 2000. It long ago became a part of nature, yet here is something new I noticed that grabbed me.

Most of the unit tests I wrote before, conformed to the “commonly accepted understanding” of what a unit … Continue Reading

Posted in Roman Korchagin |