Category Archive: Imran.Rafique

Import ASE 3D Model and Create Rectangular Torus into the Scene using C#

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We are pleased to announce the availability of new version 18.1.0 of Aspose.3D for .NET API. The new version 18.1 of the API has been released with the support of importing 3D ASE models. Developers can create rectangular torus object in 3D scene as well as set the load option of RVM model to center the scene by moving the root node.

Import ASE Models into Aspose.3D

With the help of Aspose.3D for .NET API, developers can import ASE … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.3D Product Family, Imran.Rafique |

Read Universal 3D Document and Create Vertex Element using Aspose.3D for .NET 1.3.0

Aspose.3D for NET APIs

We’re pleased to announce the availability of new version 1.3.0 of the Aspose.3D for .NET API and let our community know about the progress. This new version has better performance than previous. It allows developers to load a Universal 3D document and get the internal elements programmatically. Probably, we’ll add support of exporting a Universal 3D document to other supported formats in the next version. Our product team is working hard to cover all aspects of the Universal 3D format. … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.3D Product Family, Imran.Rafique |

Set Page Orientation and Image Brightness in Visio Diagrams using Java

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We’re pleased to announce the availability of new version 6.1.0 of the Aspose.Diagram for Java API and let our community know about the changes. This release has four noteworthy upgrades to Aspose.Diagram for Java API. It allows developers to set the orientation of the Visio page, protect the shape-ID attribute in SVG, manage the best image quality by setting its brightness level, and change comments on the Visio drawing page. Below, we list some major enhancements and other defect fixes. … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Diagram Product Family, Imran.Rafique |

Control Image Brightness in Visio to Image and Edit Comments in Visio Diagrams using C#

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We’re pleased to acknowledge the availability of new version 6.1.0 of the Aspose.Diagram for .NET API and let our community know about the progressions. The Aspose.Diagram API had already provided comprehensive and powerful functionalities to interact with Visio and automate regular drawing building and export tasks. In this progressive API version, we have enhanced Visio to SVG export, Visio to image export and editing Visio page level comment. We’ve squashed many other formatting bugs, error messages and incorporated the most … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Diagram Product Family, Imran.Rafique |

Retain Shadow on Converting Visio Shapes and Detect Glued or Connected Nature of Shapes using Aspose.Diagram for Java 6.0.0

Aspose.Diagram for Java logoWe are happy to let our community know about the changes and newly offered features in our latest version 6.0.0 of the Aspose.Diagram for Java API. For developers, the newly added methods give programmatic access to detect the glued or connected nature of the two Visio shapes. The shadow effect adds a visual impact to the Visio shape. Aspose.Diagram API now supports retaining shadow when converting Visio shapes to any other supported format. Both these features help in giving the … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Diagram Product Family, Imran.Rafique | Tagged , , , , , , ,

Identify Glued or Connected Visio Shapes using C# or VB.NET

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We’re pleased to announce the new version 6.0.0 of the Aspose.Diagram for .NET API. This version contains new methods that let developers know about shape connections beforehand. They could now get the information, whether two shapes are connected or glued prior to any other manipulation of the Visio shapes, which can result in greater programmer productivity and more concise readable code. The reading capacity of VSSX stencils and preserving shadows of shapes during the export operation have also been enhanced. … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Diagram Product Family, Imran.Rafique | Tagged , , , , , , ,

Setup the Target Camera and Triangulate a Mesh using Aspose.3D for .NET 1.2.0

Aspose.3D for NET APIs

We are pleased to announce the version 1.2.0 of the Aspose.3D for .NET API. From this version, developers would be able to import and export scenes in 3DS format (Autodesk 3D Studio DOS). They can also triangulate a mesh because it is required by 3DS file exporting. Besides this, developers can flip coordinate system in OBJ, 3DS and STL formats. This version also covers internal improvements in adding multiple scenes.

Add a Target Camera in 3D Scene

Cameras are the … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.3D Product Family, Imran.Rafique |

VSSX and VSTX Extension Support, Embed Resultant HTML Resources and Copy Style Properties using Aspose.Diagram for Java 5.9.0

Aspose.Diagram for Java logoWe are happy to let our community know about the changes and newly offered features in our latest version 5.9.0 of the Aspose.Diagram for Java API. The complete support for reading and writing VSSX stencil and VSTX template have been added. Developers can also embed output HTML resources into the single HTML document, copy styles and page sheet properties from other Visio drawings. This release also includes the most recent bug fixes and enhanced retrieval of the diagram properties, shapes … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Diagram Product Family, Imran.Rafique | Tagged , , , , , ,

Save Visio in VSSX and VSTX Formats and Open VSTX Template using Aspose.Diagram for .NET 5.9.0

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We’re pleased to announce the new version 5.9.0 of the Aspose.Diagram for .NET API. We’re adding support of the latest Microsoft Office Visio formats and we’re almost near to complete it. It is a progressive version to accomplish the goal. From this version, developers can now read and write in VSSX stencil and VSTX template formats. Another feature of saving resultant HTML to a stream instance is added. This release also preserves missing properties of the Visio diagram and shapes. … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Diagram Product Family, Imran.Rafique | Tagged , ,

Import and Export 3D Scene as Wavefront OBJ, FBX 7.2 and FBX 7.3 using Aspose.3D for .NET 1.1.0

Aspose.3D for NET APIs

We are pleased to announce the version 1.1.0 of the Aspose.3D for .NET API. This second version of the Aspose.3D API covers more 3D formats, including import and export of the Wavefront’s OBJ, FBX 7.2 (ASCII, Binary) and FBX 7.3 (ASCII, Binary) formats. The Wavefront’s OBJ format supports multiple objects, index based polygon, vertex position, UV coordinates, normals, object smoothing and external materials. In general, it is also a universally accepted format. This release also includes the most recent bug fixes … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.3D Product Family, Imran.Rafique |