Category Archive: Dmitry Vorobyev

Component Developer, Auckland, New Zealand

What Will Come When Windows Get Closed?

The history of Microsoft Windows counts more than 20 years. Every new version of this operating system provides us with new features, new level of security, nicer interface. We currently have Windows XP which is extremely popular (maybe the most popular OS ever). We are looking forward to the mighty, stylish, and shining Vista. The enigmatic successor to Vista, code-named Blackcomb, was recently renamed to Vienna…

It is obvious that Windows is flourishing. It is also obvious that the recession is inevitable. So what will … Continue Reading

Posted in Dmitry Vorobyev |

Bad Looking Metafiles

.NET Framework is surely very powerful but some things are just weird. Goodness knows why Microsoft decided to implement rendering metafiles (such as WMFs and EMFs) and converting them to bitmaps using no smoothing thus eliminating all benefits of vector graphics. They could at least provide some option to choose whether or not to use anti-aliasing but they didn’t do that. Applications including MS Word do render metafiles properly but you will get ugly output trying to render them using System.Drawing.Graphics, especially if your metafile … Continue Reading

Posted in Dmitry Vorobyev |

Childish Exception

When working on Aspose.Word.Viewer (under .NET 1.1), I suddenly got a System.ArgumentException. The “bad” line looked harmlessly:

Brush brush = pen.Brush;

The error message was: You may not change this Pen because it does not belong to you. The wording of the message was strange. What did I have to do to own that Pen and how could I change that Pen by reading its property?

Since the MSDN library knew nothing about exceptions that might be thrown when accessing Pen.Brush, I searched the Internet. The … Continue Reading

Posted in Dmitry Vorobyev |

Unit Tests – The Secret of Quality

Before I joined the Aspose Auckland team, I didn’t consider unit testing to be somewhat important or, furthermore, necessary for development. Indeed, the usefulness of unit tests is not too obvious at first glance, especially if the project is not so big. We have to write significant amounts of extra code thus expending extra time and efforts… are there any benefits actually?

Well, unit testing proved to be very important when developing projects consisting of more than several simple classes. … Continue Reading

Posted in Dmitry Vorobyev |

Aspose.Word.Viewer is still under development

Dear Customers,

Aspose.Word v3.0 that was recently released includes the Beta version of Aspose.Word.Viewer. We made the Beta available because of many customers’ requests to do so. Please note we do not provide any support on the viewer in the meantime just because it is still at development stage. Currently it has some limitations like these:

  • Rendering/printing capabilities are limited
  • Some documents can be rendered incorrectly
  • We do not guarantee its stability
  • Breaking changes are possible in the future

However, we proceed … Continue Reading

Posted in Dmitry Vorobyev |

Aspose.Word Programmers Guide is completed!

Dear Customers,

We’ve finished working on the Aspose.Word Programmers Guide. It is available here:

We really hope it answers most of your “howto” questions and you consider it helpful.

Of course, this is the first version of the guide and we’ll be expanding and improving it accordingly to your reports and wishes. Any changes in the product API will surely affect the guide, too. Major additions and some changes will probably be done as soon as we release forthcoming Aspose.Word v3.0 because its API … Continue Reading

Posted in Dmitry Vorobyev |

Aspose.Word Programmers Guide is being written

Dear Customers,

More than a month ago we transferred all our INFO articles into Aspose.Wiki. We hope you liked it and considered it convenient for reading and navigating.

We will continue adding articles that describe various aspects of Aspose.Word as required, based on frequent support requests and popular questions related to Aspose.Word functionality. Moreover, currently we are working on a programmers guide intended for detailed description of all (or almost all) possible scenarios of the component usage. We truly hope it … Continue Reading

Posted in Dmitry Vorobyev |