Category Archive: Danny Cooper

Team Leader, Aspose Texas Team

Need to use Aspose in your development products? We’re now offering SDK licenses!

Over the years our products have evolved into the most powerful, independent libraries available for managing files. No other solutions offer the type of comprehensive file support and features that Aspose libraries deliver. Now, other companies can provide that same powerful functionality to their audience through our tools.

If you produce a product that can be enhanced by the functionality we provide, please be sure to visit our newly updated SDK Policy Page. Similarly if you’re using another library… Continue Reading
Posted in Danny Cooper |

I’m no Steve Hawking…

Like many others across the internet, I do not exactly see eye-to-eye with Mr. Hawking on the subject of why we should not seek to contact extraterrestrial life.

“We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet,” Hawking said.

“I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and… Continue Reading
Posted in Danny Cooper |

The Aspose purchase section gets a makeover

Since Aspose began, almost seven year ago, we have seen a lot of exciting growth thanks to our many wonderful customers.  As our customer count has grown so has the number of needs we accommodate, and in turn our product lines have grown to accommodate those needs.  Our web staff has done well to ensure that our online purchase system kept pace with our evolving product lines.  However, as: our company, the number of platforms we support … Continue Reading

Posted in Danny Cooper |

Aspose releases a new product suite for SQL Server Reporting Services

Sydney, Australia – November, 19th 2007 – Aspose is pleased to announce the release of their third major product suite, Aspose.Total for Reporting Services.  The “Aspose.Total for Reporting Services” suite is comprised of five different rendering extensions which extend SQL Reporting, allowing reports to be exported to a variety of new formats.   


Since their inception in 2002, Aspose’s core focus has centered on file management.  Their new line of products for SQL Reporting Services Continue Reading

Posted in Danny Cooper |

Aspose becomes a Sun Business Partner

Aspose, the .NET and Java component publisher, is very pleased to announce a new business partnership with the company Sun.  For many years the development community has primarily know Aspose as a .NET component provider.  However, Aspose has also had a very strong initiative to support the Java platform as well.  This new partnership is another effort to help extend that initiative and continually provide better support for Java developers.

Aspose currently offers six powerful, file-management components for the Java … Continue Reading

Posted in Danny Cooper |

Prime Numbers – There is a pattern!

Hey everyone,

I know this is a bit off topic; however, I thought it may be of interest to the programming community. A while back I discovered there is a pattern to prime numbers. I was very excited to find the pattern, but despite my best efforts I received little to no interest from the math community (this may very well have been because I was looking in the wrong place, but I really feel like I gave it a … Continue Reading

Posted in Danny Cooper |

Aspose MVP Program!

Aspose has recently started a MVP (most valuable professional) program.  The Aspose MVP program is a way for us to recognize and reward outstanding individuals who not only manage to do a wonderful job for their company but also find time to make large contributions to the Aspose community. 

For more details on the new program, please visit the Aspose MVP program overview.… Continue Reading

Posted in Danny Cooper |

We’re looking for your thoughts on new products…

Hey everyone,

I hope things are going well.  From time to time we at Aspose like to check with our customers and potential customers about upcoming product ideas.  Recently we have published two such ideas we would like to get your thoughts on: Aspose.PSD and Aspose.MSI.  Both of the products are currently not in production and we are looking for your thoughts and ideas on if they should.  Therefore, if you feel these products would be of interest I welcome … Continue Reading

Posted in Danny Cooper |

A great RSS Feed Reader…

Recently I found out that I was missing out on one of the newest and best sources of information on the web… Blogs.  Not really Blogs as much as RSS feeds.  There were a few different Blogs that I would visit from time to time (and some daily, like Aspose : ) … however, that was about the extent of my Blog experience.  I’d seen the catchy little, orange RSS icons (and subscribe links)… even clicked on a few and… Continue Reading
Posted in Danny Cooper |

New Web Home

As of this weekend the Aspose website has now been relocated to a new web server.  We are excited for our site to have a new, faster home.  The new server should help provide better stability and much faster performance.  As with all growth there are always growing pains; therefore, if you experience any problems with our site please help us by submitting them to our forum or by emailing directly to our webmaster

I want to personally thank you for Continue Reading

Posted in Danny Cooper |