Category Archive: Ben Li

President, Sydney, Australia

Email support is merged into Aspose.Forums now!

Since May 8, 2005, email support is merged into Aspose.Forums, which is powered by Community Server::Forums. If you send an email to any of our public emails, you will get an automatic notice that will request you to re-post your question in an appropriate forum.

Warning: All of our public emails are not attended any more. Only after you have re-posted your questions at the forums, can you get our replies.

As an alternative to email support, we provide an … Continue Reading

Posted in Ben Li |

Quick notes on our future product line

This post is an excerpt from a reply posted for a potential customer of Aspose.Word. I put it here for a wider audience purpose only. Thanks for your attention. ………………………………………………………………. Now I would like to address our future product line and I assume you’re interested in it so I would share it with you here at this moment. We’re making .NET components for about 3 years. We have tried to make various components but gradually Aspose is identified by Continue Reading
Posted in Ben Li |

Technical Support vs Chinese New Year

Dear customers,

This week you may experience some slow or no replies from some of our developers simply because some of our developers are living in China and they are having their Chinese New Year holiday. It’s a big holiday like Christmas so normally it lasts about one week or more.

Aspose is well known for rapid response in the .NET component industry. If you have realized this week is just an exception due to Chinese New Year holiday, I truly appreciate you very … Continue Reading

Posted in Ben Li |