Category Archive: Babar Raza

Aspose.Imaging for .NET 2.0.0 Introduces AutoCAD DXF to PDF Conversion Support

We are pleased to announce the long awaited release of Aspose.Imaging for .NET 2.0.0. It includes several major and highly demanded features along with some bug fixes.

This month’s release includes an exciting feature which lets you read AutoCAD DXF drawing entities and render them as an entire drawing into PDF format. At the moment, we fully support the AutoCAD DXF 2010 file format with all widespread 2D entities and their basic default parameters. However, we plan to support other … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Imaging Product Family, Babar Raza |

Metafile Support Introduced in Aspose.Imaging for Java 1.8.0

Aspose.Imaging for Java logoWe are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Imaging for Java 1.8.0. In this release we have introduced the  metafile conversion feature. It also supports converting metafiles to other image formats. We can also extract TIFF frames from a multi-page TIFF image to any other supported image format.

This release also includes enhancements and fixes of the issues reported in earlier version. For example, PNG conversion to other image format and  resize method overloads fixed in this release in addition … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Imaging Product Family, Babar Raza |

Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) Support in Aspose.OCR for .NET 1.6.0


We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.OCR for .NET 1.6.0. In this release, we have introduced the exciting feature of optical mark recognition to Aspose.OCR for .NET API. The Aspose.OMR namespace can be used to recognize different marked elements from a scanned image. Recognition is processed based on a template that contains graphical mapping of the elements to be recognized from the scanned images. Programmers can use Aspose.OMR namespace to programmatically load templates and images, and extract data … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.OCR Product Family, Babar Raza | Tagged , , ,

Improved Garbage Element Recognition and New Page Notifier in Aspose.OCR for .NET 1.5.0

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.OCR for .NET 1.5.0.

In this release we have introduced some improvements and bug fixes along with a new feature.  It includes improvement in garbage element detection to increase the recognition accuracy. Rotation and flip parameters are exposed in the public API; the default value is none. Users can specify these parameters to improve recognition speed and accuracy as well.

This release also fixed an issue with recognition notification as well as … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.OCR Product Family, Babar Raza | Tagged , , ,