Category Archive: Alexey Zhilin

Chief Architect, Tyumen, Russia

Aspose.Slides for .NET released!

Hot fix contains:
  • Fixed: bug with drawing shapes inherited from master slide on thumbnails and svg.
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Aspose.Slides for .NET released!

Hot fix contains:
  • New: Drawing headers/footers and slide numbers on thumbnail and svg.
  • Fixed: “buffer underrun” or “Couldn’t read PowerPoint Document record” exception on presentation reading.
  • Fixed: Z-order of TextHolders when draw it on thumbnails or svg.
  • Fixed: Couldn’t draw or read some TextHolders.
  • Fixed: “Object reference not set to …” exception in Shape.Placeholder property.
  • Fixed: Drawing grouped shapes inherited from (and located on) master slide.
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Aspose.Slides for .NET released!

Hot fix contains:
  • Changed: Picture.Write and Picture.Image convert wmf metafiles to placeable wmf format.
  • Changed: Optimized (speed and memory) and improved reading “fast saved” presentations.
  • Fixed: “Object is currently in use elsewhere” exception in CloneSlide and Write methods in multithreaded applications.
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Aspose.Slides for Java released!

Hot fix contains:
  • New: Wrapping Eastern Langauges text. For correct work Eastern fonts should be installed.
  • New: Creating shapes inside groups.
  • New: Serializing shapes to a stream and loading it back to the same or another slide or presentation. Supported shapes are Line, Rectangle, Ellipse, AutoShape, Polyline, PictureFrame. In this release OleObjectFrame, AudioFrame and VideoFrame can be serialized and restored back as PictureFrame only. GroupShape and Table can’t be serialized.
  • New: Small memory optimization. We are planning to continue optimizing
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Aspose.Slides for .NET released!

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Slides for .NET
The following new features are included:
  • Wrapping Eastern Langauges text.
  • Creating shapes inside groups.
  • Serializing shapes to a stream and loading it back to the same or another slide or presentation. Supported shapes are Line, Rectangle, Ellipse, AutoShape, Polyline, PictureFrame. In this release OleObjectFrame, AudioFrame and VideoFrame can be serialized and restored back as PictureFrame only. GroupShape and Table can’t be serialized.
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Aspose.Slides for Java released!

Hot fix contains all changes made in Aspose.Slides for .NET
and additionally new OleObjectFrame.setObjectType() method.
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Aspose.Slides for .NET released!

Hot fix contains:
  • Fixed: “Index out of bounds” exception on slide cloning.
  • New: Placeholder class has all standard properties now. X, Y, Width, Height, LineFormat, FillFormat and etc.
  • New: Reference to Placeholder object in case of shape is placeholder. See Shape.Placeholder property.
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Aspose.Slides for Java released!

Hot fix contains:
  • Fixed: Reading master styles of text holders
  • Fixed: Reading metafiles from presentation
  • Fixed: Mozilla Firefox couldn’t load created svg files with embedded images
  • New: Support for drawing wmf and emf metafiles on thumbnail.
  • !!! Works with Aspose.Metafiles for Java and later.
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Aspose.Metafiles for Java released!

Hot fix contains:
  • Fixed: Reading WMF files.
  • New: Possibility to play WMF metafiles and convert them to RenderedImage.
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Aspose.Slides for .NET released!

Hot fix contains:
  • Fixed: Reading master styles of text holders
  • Fixed: Reading metafiles from presentation
  • Fixed: Drawing WMF metafiles on thumbnail and svg
  • Fixed: Mozilla Firefox couldn’t load created svg files with embedded images
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |