Category Archive: Alexey Zhilin

Chief Architect, Tyumen, Russia

Aspose.Slides for .NET released!

Hot fix contains:
  • New: Support for PowerPoint 2007 PPT (not PPTX) format.
  • New: Optimization of presentations created by PowerPoint 2007 by size. PP2007 creates ppt files and doubles all information in 2 formats (normal ppt and embedded xml) so ppt files have large size if compare it with ppt created with PP2000 – 2003. Aspose.Slides delete all unnecessary xml information and can reduce file size up to 3 times.
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Aspose.Slides for Java released!

Hot fix contains:
  • New: Correct cloning slides with PICT images.
  • Fixed: Possible exception on cloning slides with shapes without text.
  • Fixed: Creating new Line shapes. MS PowerPoint 2002 (XP) could have problems when open slides with tables.
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Aspose.Slides for .NET released!

Hot fix contains:
  • Fixed: Exception thrown when clone slide with shapes but without text frames.
  • New: Correct cloning slides with PICT images.
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Aspose.Slides for Java released!

Hot fix contains:
  • New: Optimized reading and changing presentations by speed. Especially slide cloning.
  • Fixed: Cloning slides with connector autoshapes.
  • Fixed: Drawing some autoshapes.
  • Fixed: ‘null reference’ exception when read presentations with non-standard SummaryInformation stream.
  • Fixed: Slide.ChangeMaster function. If shape had default style inherited from master (like holders do) then solid border could appear.
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Aspose.Flash for .NET released!

Hot fix contains:
  • Fixed: Loading images stored in a flash movie as Jpeg with alpha channel.
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Aspose.Slides for .NET released!

Hot fix contains:
  • Updated: Assembly to allow work in web application with medium access rights.
  • Fixed: Cloning slides with connector autoshapes.
  • Fixed: Drawing some autoshapes.
  • Fixed: ‘Object reference is not set to an instance of an object’ exception when read presentations with non-standard SummaryInformation stream.
  • Fixed: Slide.ChangeMaster function. If shape had default style inherited from master (like holders do) then solid border could appear.
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Aspose.Flash for .NET released!

Hot fix contains:
  • Fixed and optimized (memory and size) reading Jpeg images from flash movie.
  • Changed: FlashContainer class.
  • Methods WriteToFile and AddFlashFile are obsolete.
  • Constructor and Write methods can work with streams.
  • AddFlash can load data from file, stream or another FlashContainer.
  • New: Import from SVG available for testing. See FlashContainer.FromSVG().
    The main idea is give possibility to convert PowerPoint slides into flash. Demo will be available soon.
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    Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

    Aspose.Slides for Java released!

    Hot fix contains:
    • Fixed: Exception “Color parameter outside of expected range: Alpha” on slide rendering.
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    Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

    Aspose.Tasks released!

    Hot fix contains:
    • Updated: Installer to allow installation on computer with .NET 2.0 only (without .NET 1.1).
    • Updated: Assembly info to allow work in web applications with medium access rights.
    • New: Aspose.Tasks recalculates durations when read project file. New values depends also on number of work hours per day, per week and work days per month.
    • Fixed: Wrong rounding duration and cost values when read MPP files.
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    Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

    Aspose.Flash for .NET released!

    Hot fix contains:
    • Fixed: Reading DefineShape records.
    • Fixed: Reading Flash 7 non smoothed bitmaps.
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    Posted in Alexey Zhilin |