Author Archives: Usman Aziz

Generate Thumbnails for PDF Files in Java

While embedding the PDF documents into a web application you may need to generate a thumbnail. In other scenarios, such as creating a PDF viewer, you may need to create a thumbnail for each page in the PDF. In this article, we will show you how to generate thumbnails of a PDF file programmatically in Java. We will explicitly cover how to create a thumbnail of a particular page or all the pages in a PDF file.

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Create and Update Folders using Microsoft Graph API in Java

Microsoft provides Graph API to interact and work with Office 365 and Microsoft Cloud services. It allows you to create and manage folders, access messages, manage categories and use other services programmatically. In this article, you will learn how to use Microsoft Graph API to create and update folders in Java.

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Manage Inbox Rules on Exchange Server in Java

While using Microsoft Exchange Server services, you may need to define different rules for the inbox folder. These rules are applied to the messages such as moving a message to a folder, deleting a message, etc. An inbox rule is comprised of conditions and the actions to be performed when the conditions are met. In this article, you will learn how to create and update inbox rules on MS Exchange Server in Java.

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Convert OFT Files to HTML in Java

MS Outlook uses OFT as a template format to create layouts for the emails. The template can be preformatted and populated with the content dynamically for creating custom messages. In some instances, you may get the OFT files and need to convert them to HTML format programmatically. To achieve that, this article shows how to convert an OFT file to HTML in Java.

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Create, Update or Delete Tasks on MS Exchange Server in C#

Various people create a list of activities to be performed, which is also known as a to-do list. Such lists are usually created on a paper, text editor, spreadsheets, etc. Microsoft also provides you the feature of creating and managing to-do lists and terms them as tasks. In this article, we will cover how to add, update, or delete tasks on MS Exchange Server programmatically in C#.

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Create, Update or Delete Google Calendar in C#

Google Calendar is a scheduling service that lets you create and keep track of the events such as meetings. You can log the events on the calendar and get reminders about the upcoming ones. Google also allows you to use its calendaring service programmatically. Thus, you can manage your events using Google Calendars from within your applications. In this article, you will learn how to create, update, and delete Google Calendar programmatically in C#.

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Create Exchange Distribution List in Java

MS Exchange Server allows you to create email distribution lists that can be used to send emails to a group of people without entering individual email addresses. To create such lists programmatically, this article covers how to create a distribution list on MS Exchange Server in Java. Furthermore, it shows how to fetch a distribution list programmatically.

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Add and Remove Members in MS Exchange Distribution Lists in C#

While working with MS Exchange Server from within .NET applications, you may need to work with distribution lists. In the previous post, you have seen how to create and fetch Exchange distribution lists. In this article, you will learn how to add or remove members in MS Exchange distribution lists programmatically in C# .NET.

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Create and Read MS Outlook Distribution Lists in C#

Email distribution lists make it easier to send a single email to a group of people without writing their individual email IDs. You can create as many lists as required based on the circles you have, such as official, social, etc. MS Outlook also allows you to make the distribution lists and often you may need to create such lists programmatically. So let's see how to create and read MS Outlook distribution lists in C# .NET.

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Read Emails from Shared Mailbox on Exchange Server in Java

Microsoft Exchange Server provides the facility of a shared mailbox that can be accessed by multiple users. The users can send or receive emails, create calendars and tasks, and perform other activities. While working with MS Exchange Server programmatically, you may need to access emails from a shared mailbox. Therefore, in this article, you will learn how to read email messages from a shared mailbox on MS Exchange Server using Java.

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