Author Archives: Usman Aziz

Connect to SMTP Server in Python

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a well-known and commonly used protocol for sending email messages from client applications to the email server. While implementing email automation features, you may need to connect to the SMTP servers from within your Python applications. For such scenarios, this article covers how to connect to an SMTP server programmatically in Python. Furthermore, you will learn how to send an email after making a connection to an SMTP server.

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Create Tagged PDF Files in Java

A tagged PDF file uses tags to define the logical structure of the content in the document. This type of PDF file improves the reading experience using assistive technologies and screen readers. In the previous post, you have seen how to create PDF files programmatically in Java applications. In this article, you will learn how to create tagged PDF files programmatically in Java.

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Create Graphs and Charts in PDF in C#

In a number of PDF documents, graphs and charts are used to visually represent the data or information. In some cases, charts used to graphically describe the flow of the activities or operations in a system such as flow charts, whereas, some are used to draw the data patterns. This article covers how to create graphs and charts in PDF files programmatically in C#. We will explicitly demonstrate how to create different graphical objects in a PDF file.

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Create Table in PDF Files in Java

A table lets the readers go through the data quickly without reading a lot of text. Therefore, tables are considered an integral part of the documents. While working on PDF automation and generating the PDF files programmatically, you may come across the need to create tables very often. To accomplish that, this article covers how to create tables in PDF files using Java.

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Create, Update, and Delete Contacts in Gmail using C#

Gmail is one of the popular and widely used email applications around the globe. Along with managing emails, it allows working with calendars, contacts, chats, etc. and provides other collaboration services. In the previous article, you have seen how to import contacts from a Gmail account within a .NET application. In this article, we will cover how to create, update, and delete contacts in a Gmail account using C# .NET.

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Write and Read Messages on Thunderbird Storage in Python

Thunderbird is an open-source email client that allows you to get messages from more than one email servers. Thus, you can manage emails from multiple accounts in a single place. In certain cases, you may need to access email messages from Thunderbird programmatically. Furthermore, you may have to write new messages on Thunderbird. In this article, you will learn how to write and read messages on Thunderbird storage in Python.

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Create MS Outlook Distribution Lists in Python

MS Outlook allows creating the distribution lists to send emails to multiple people without writing individual email addresses. Furthermore, you can create different lists based on types of people such as official, social, etc. While working with MS Outlook programmatically, you can create and save a distribution list on disk in PST format. This PST file can be loaded and utilized in MS Outlook or from within your application. In this article, you will learn how to create MS Outlook distribution lists in Python.

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Create and Send Messages using Microsoft Graph API in C#

Microsoft offers Graph API to access the services of Office 365 and Microsoft Cloud programmatically from within your applications. Furthermore, you can use the Graph API to manage folders, send messages, and perform various other operations. In this article, you will learn how to create and send messages using Microsoft Graph API in C#.

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Replace Images in PDF Files in Java

Various industries use PDF format to automatically generate their documents such as invoices, reports, technical articles, etc. Along with text, these documents may also contain images and other graphical objects. In some instances, you have to replace the confidential images in the PDF documents before sharing. To accomplish that programmatically, this article covers how to replace images in PDF documents in Java.

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Rotate Text inside PDF Documents in Java

PDF is a cross-platform document format that provides a consistent layout across different operating systems. It is widely used for generating and sharing documents, such as research articles, invoices, etc. While generating a PDF files programmatically, you often need to change the position and orientation of the text according to the layout of the document. In this article, we will show you how to rotate text inside PDF documents in Java.

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