Author Archives: Usman Aziz

Extract Images from PowerPoint Presentations in Python

Images are an effective way of communication that makes the content lively. This is the reason the images are widely adopted in web pages, documents, presentations, etc. MS PowerPoint presentations are usually built up with less text and more graphical objects and images. Therefore, when processing the presentations programmatically, you may need to extract images along with the text. To accomplish that, this article covers how to extract images from PPT or PPTX presentations in Python.

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Merge PowerPoint Presentations in Python

While working with PowerPoint automation in Python, you may need to merge the content of multiple presentations. This could be required when a presentation is created by multiple people in parts that need to be merged eventually. To automate this merging, this article shows how to merge PowerPoint PPT or PPTX programmatically in Python.

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Apply 3D Effects in PowerPoint PPT using C#

3D effects in PowerPoint presentations make the content more attractive. Using 3D text or shapes, you can enhance the interactivity and catch the attention of the audience. While working on the automation of PowerPoint from within .NET applications, you may need to add 3D effects to the presentations. To accomplish that, this article covers how to apply the 3D effects in PowerPoint PPT in C#.

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Convert PowerPoint PPT to Animated GIF in C#

PowePoint to GIF conversion is usually performed to avoid the necessity of MS PowerPoint for previewing the presentations. The animated GIF has the ability to contain all the PPT slides in a single file. Therefore, this article covers how to convert a PowerPoint PPT or PPTX presentation to an animated GIF in C#. Furthermore, you will learn how to customize frame size, the delay between slides, and frames per second programmatically.

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Add Digital Signature to PowerPoint PPT in Python

The digital signature is a well-known and commonly used way of protecting digital documents. It makes it easier to validate the authenticity of the content in a document. Thus, you can identify if someone attempted to tamper with the document. MS PowerPoint also allows you to sign the PPT or PPTX presentations with digital signatures. To automate this feature programmatically, this article covers how to add digital signatures to PowerPoint PPT files in Python.

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Extract Text from PowerPoint Files in Python

In various scenarios, the text is extracted from the documents for further processing such as in text analysis, classification, etc. Among other documents such as PDF and Word, PowerPoint files are also used in text extraction. Therefore, this article aims to show you how to extract text from PowerPoint files in Python. We will cover how to extract text from a specific slide or the whole presentation.

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Read Outlook MSG Files in C#

MSG is a popular file format used by MS Outlook to store email messages, contacts, appointments, etc. While working with email automation from within your .NET applications, you may need to read MSG files. To accomplish that, this article covers how to parse and read Outlook MSG files in C#. Moreover, we will demonstrate how to fetch attachments from an MSG file programmatically.

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Create a Flat ZIP Archive in C#

Often, you get a ZIP archive that contains other ZIP archives inside it forming a nested structure of the archives. In such cases, you may want to get a flat structure by extracting all the inner ZIP archives into the outer archive. To perform this operation programmatically, this article shows how to create a flat ZIP archive in C#.

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Convert PowerPoint PPT to Animated GIF in Java

Animated GIF has the ability to contain a number of images in a single file. Therefore, PowerPoint presentations are often converted to GIF files where each image in the GIF represents a slide. To perform the conversion programmatically, this article covers how to convert a PowerPoint PPT or PPTX presentation to an animated GIF in Java. Furthermore, you will learn how to customize frame size, the delay between slides, and frames per second programmatically.

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