Author Archives: Usman Aziz

Convert PDF to TXT in Python

PDF is a well-known file format that provides a consistent layout of the document across heterogeneous platforms. It provides a bunch of features and elements to create rich text documents. However, in certain cases, e.g. to parse the text in the document, you have to convert PDF files to TXT format programmatically. To accomplish that, this article covers how to convert a PDF file to TXT format in Python.

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Convert TXT to JSON in Python

TXT files are widely used to store textual data quickly and easily. However, often you get data in a TXT file and you need to convert that into JSON programmatically. To accomplish that, this article covers how to convert a TXT file to JSON in Python.

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Convert CSV to TXT in Python

CSV (Comma Separated Values) files are commonly used to store the data. Most of the datasets in different domains are also maintained in CSV format. However, in certain cases, you have to convert the CSV files to TXT format to process the data. In accordance with that, this article covers how to convert CSV to TXT in Python.

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Convert PDF Pages to JPG Images in C#

PDF is a versatile format that is commonly used for printing and sharing documents. However, there could be cases when you need to convert PDF files to image formats programmatically. To accomplish that, this article covers how to convert PDF to JPG images in C# from within your .NET applications.

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Convert PDF Files to XML in C# .NET

XML is a well-known markup language similar to HTML. However, its uses spread across multiple scenarios such as data management, web, office tools, documents, etc. In particular cases, the PDF documents are converted into XML files to get the structured representation of the content. Thus, the tag-based representation of the PDF documents can be processed more conveniently for different purposes. Accordingly, in this article, you will learn how to convert a PDF file to XML programmatically in C#.

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Convert Text to PNG, JPEG, or GIF Image in Java

Text-to-image conversion is often required in various cases, such as, to make the text read-only. In a previous article, we wrote about how to convert the text in a TXT file to a PDF in Java. In this article, you will learn how to convert a text to a PNG, JPEG, or GIF image programmatically in Java.

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Convert Word DOC to PNG, JPEG, BMP, GIF, or TIFF in C#

Often you need to embed the pages of an MS Word document into your application programmatically. One of the most commonly used methods for such cases is the conversion of Word documents to image formats. In this article, you will learn how to convert Word DOC or DOCX files to PNG, JPEG, BMP, GIF, or TIFF images using C# .NET. Furthermore, we will demonstrate how to control the Word to image conversion using different options.

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Add or Update Hyperlinks in PDF using C# .NET

PDF is a feature-rich document format that supports a range of elements including annotations, media, forms, etc. Hyperlink is an important element that is used to navigate within the PDF, from one PDF to another, to a web page, etc. While generating the PDF documents programmatically, you may often need to insert hyperlinks. Accordingly, in this article, you will learn how to add and update hyperlinks in PDF files in C# .NET.

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Add or Remove JavaScript in PDF Files in C# .NET

PDF is a rich document format in terms of versatility and features. One of the major advantages of PDF is its consistent layout across heterogeneous platforms. Moreover, it has the ability to be displayed in desktop applications and web browsers at the same time. This is the reason that PDF files are capable of running JavaScript. In this article, we will demonstrate how to add or remove JavaScript in PDF files using C#.

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Create Graphs and Charts in PDF in Java

Graphs and charts are used to visually represent the data in PDF files. Furthermore, you can use them to graphically describe the flow of the activities or operations in a system such as flow charts. In this article, you will learn how to create graphs and charts in PDF files programmatically in Java. We will explicitly cover how to create different graphical objects in a PDF file.

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