Author Archives: Stonewell

Aspose.Workflow HotFix released

Dear Customers,

   We have released Aspose.Workflow hotfix, it contains:

1) Invalid files are packaged with demos, now it fixed.



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Posted in Stone Well |

Aspose.Workflow Hotfix released

Dear Customers,

   We have released Aspose.Workflow, it contains

Feature Added:

  • Add a ParentTask property in the ITask interface,when a task is created in a block activity, using ParentTask can access the parent block activity task.
  • Add a new AssignTask api in IProcessInstance to assign task without accept task
  • Add a return value IPackage for UpdatePackage API to return the updated package instance.
  • Add a set of  ReevaluateAssignments API to IEngine interface, use these APIs can reevaluate the assignments when
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Posted in Stone Well |

Aspose.Workflow HotFix Released!

Dear Customers,

   We have released Aspose.Workflow, it contains

Bug Fixed:

  • When using CompleteTaskEx to set “Next” activity id, user can only to set “Next” activity which in the same activity block. now it fixed to
  • “Next” activity is in same activity block
  • “Next” activity who is not in the same activity block but in the Process activities.
  • “Next” activity is in other activity block which is not same as current block.  To set “Next” activity in other block, user have to
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Posted in Stone Well |

Aspose.Workflow HotFix Released

Dear Customers,

   We have released Aspose.Workflow, it contains

API Added:

  • IActivity add a new property Applications, it returns all applications defined in current activity.
  • IActivity add a new property Deadlines, it returns all deadlines defined on current activity.
  • add a new interface ISimulateWorkList by customer request, please check detailed information at


Stone… Continue Reading

Posted in Stone Well |

Aspose.Workflow HotFix Released!

Dear Customers,

   We have released Aspose.Workflow HotFix,  it contains:

Database Changes:

  • Updated store-procedure for SQLServer
    • Workflow_DeleteProcess.sql
  • Newly added store-procedure for SQLServer
    • Workflow_GetPackage_D_Proc.sql
    • Workflow_GetPackage_DR_Proc.sql
    • Workflow_GetPackage_DRV_Proc.sql
    • Workflow_GetPackage_DV_Proc.sql
    • Workflow_GetProcess_D_Proc.sql
    • Workflow_GetProcess_DR_Proc.sql
    • Workflow_GetProcess_DRV_Proc.sql
    • Workflow_GetProcess_DV_Proc.sql
    • Workflow_GetAll_DR_Proc.sql
    • Workflow_GetAllForProcess.sql
    • Workflow_GetAllForPackage.sql
    • Workflow_GetAll_R_Proc.sql
    • Workflow_GetProcess.sql
    • Workflow_GetAllProcess.sql
    • Workflow_GetPackage_S_Proc.sql
    • Workflow_GetProcess_SV_Proc.sql
    • Workflow_GetPackage_SV_Proc.sql
    • Workflow_GetProcess_S_Proc.sql
    • Workflow_GetAll_D_Proc.sql
    • Workflow_GetProcess_Act.sql
    • Workflow_GetProcess_A_Act.sql
    • Workflow_GetActivity.sql

Feature Added:

  • Add new APIs for query delayed process instance in IInstanceAdmin:
    • IProcessInstance[] GetAllDelayedProcessInstanceList(bool runningOnly);
    • IProcessInstance[] GetPackageDelayedProcessInstanceList(string packageId, string packageVersion, bool includeAllVersion, bool runningOnly);
    • IProcessInstance[] GetProcessDelayedProcessInstanceList(string packageId, string packageVersion, string processId, bool includeAllVersion, bool runningOnly);
  • Add
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Posted in Stone Well |

Aspose.Workflow HotFix Released!

Dear Customers,

   We have released Aspose.Workflow HotFix,  it contains:

Behavior Changes:

  • All Activity whoes start mode set to “Automatic” will be treated as “automatic” execute activity. The old implementation has different behavior based on if the activity has ToolAgent defined.

Feature Added:

  • Designer panel now has scroll bars.
  • Add a cache for the IActivity object.
  • Add IPackgeAdmin.ReplacePackage API,  This api will replace the existing version package using the new XPDL, and UpdatePackage API will always create a new version.
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Posted in Stone Well |

Aspose.Workflow HotFix Released!

Dear Customers,

   We have released Aspose.Workflow HotFix,  it contains:

Feature Added:

  • Add asyncrhonized tool agent execute, user can add “Tool.Execute.Asynchronize” to the ToolAgent extended attributes. and set the value to “true”, then the tool agent will be executed in a sperate thread. this feature requested by a customer.

Bug Fixed:

  • Change the table persistence order to avoid dead lock
  • When there is only .NET 2.0 installed, the installer will fail, now it fixed. 

Please get the newest version from … Continue Reading

Posted in Stone Well |

Aspose.Workflow Hotfix Released!

Dear Customers,

   We have released Aspose.Workflow Hotfix, it contains:

Feature Added:

  • Add new API IInstanceAdmin.CreateProcessInstance using which user can specify the activity id as start activity to create an instance of given process.
  • Add new API IPackage.GetVariableType and IProcess.GetVariableType Return the datafield type
  • Add new API IActivity.IsStartActivity and IActivity.IsEndActivity to determine if an activity is start activity or end activity
  • Add a new interface IUserGroupManagerEx, using this interface to create custimized user group manager, user will get the runtime
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Posted in Stone Well |

Aspose.Workflow Hotfix Released!

Dear Customers,

   We have released the Aspose.Workflow Hotfix, it contains:

Feature Added:

  • New API IWorklist2.GetAllTasks(params string[] ids), get other user’s tasks and API to get all tasks of users in one group
  • New Method in EngineManager, EngineManager.GetNewInstance(), Return a new instance of EngineManager, user can use this new instance to connect to other database or use different configuration in one OS-process.

Bug Fixed:

  • Update the IQueryService document
  • Remove no needed transaction creation to avoid dead lock.
  • Caching the compiled script
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Posted in Stone Well |

Aspose.Workflow HotFix Released!

Dear Customers:

    We have released the Aspose.Workflow Hotfix, it contains,

Feature Added:

  • Wait Activity

               When the activity has an extended attribute called “Activity.Wait.Condition”, Aspose.Workflow will treat the value of extended attribute as a condition expression, which written in VB.Net, and the engine will automatically start the Task when the condition expression evaluated to be true.

Bug Fixed:

  • Save the process definition name in the processdefinition table
  • When the data fields’ name has some invalid characters, such as “-“, “+”,
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Posted in Stone Well |