Author Archives: Shoaib Khan

Aspose.Slides for Java vs. Apache POI SL – Comparison for Features and Usage

Aspose.Slides for Java logo

Project Aspose for Apache POI shows how different tasks can be performed using Aspose Java APIs in comparison with Apache POI. The project also covers the features that are only available in Aspose APIs but not in Apache POI for Microsoft PowerPoint .

Aspose.Slides vs Apache POI-HSLF and XSLF

Below listed are some examples showing side by side code comparison for features available in both Aspose.Slides and Apache POI-HSLF & POI-XSLF. The source code of these examples is freely hosted on … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, Aspose.Slides Product Family |

Aspose.Cells for Java and Apache POI SS Comparison for Features and Usage

Project Aspose for Apache POI shows how different tasks can be performed using Aspose Java APIs in comparison with Apache POI. The project also covers the Aspose features that are not available in Apache POI SS.

Examples for Aspose.Cells vs Apache POI SS

Below listed are some examples showing code comparison side by side for both the platforms. Source code of these examples is hosted on CodePlexGitHubBitbucket and SourceForge.

Working with Workbook

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Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, Aspose.Cells Product Family |

Compare Aspose for Java with Apache POI Features and Usage

Aspose for Java

Aspose provides a wide range of Java APIs for developers to create and manage various types of applications that deals with files and different formats.

Aspose facilitates the Java developers with Aspose.Total which includes following easy to use, efficient and separately downloadable components:

  • Aspose.Cells to deal with Microsoft Excel® and OpenOffice spreadsheets.
  • Aspose.Words for Microsoft Word and OpenOffice documents.
  • Aspose.Slides for Microsoft PowerPoint and OpenOffice presentation files.
  • Aspose.Pdf to create and manipulate PDF documents.
  • Aspose.BarCode for
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Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family |

Aspose for Java Integration and Partnership with NetBeans

Aspose has made changes to its existing NetBeans plugin for NetBeans IDE 7.4 and onwards to integrate it smoothly in the native flow of project and file creation. Because of this seamless integration with NetBeans IDE, the Aspose team is now included on the NetBeans Partner page.

How to Install Aspose NetBeans Plugin

Aspose Project Wizard plugin can be easily installed from the Available Plugin tab in the Plugin dialog. (To open it, select Plugins from the Tools menu … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family |

Install Aspose Plugin from within NetBeans 7.4 and Try Aspose for Java File Format APIs Instantly

NetBeans logoAspose Project Wizard is now available on NetBeans Plugin Portal and supports the latest version of NetBeans, 7.4.

This plugin helps you to explore Aspose Java components inside your favorite NetBeans IDE.

  • Aspose New Project creates a new project by downloading and referencing libraries of Aspose Java components.
  • Aspose New Project wizard allows you to select Aspose Java components like Aspose.Cells for Java and Aspose.Words for Java.
  • Once a specific component is selected, its reference is automatically downloaded from Aspose’s
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Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family |