Author Archives: Shahzad Latif

Part 1: Aspose File Components for .NET and WCF – Airline Reservation Example Scenario

Aspose File Format Components for .NET

Aspose.Total iconAspose.Total for .NET file format components allow you to create, manipulate, convert and print various types of files in your .NET applications. These components provide APIs as .NET assemblies which can be used in different types of .NET applications i.e. Windows Forms, Web Forms, Windows Services, MVC, and WCF etc. You can use Aspose APIs to incorporate file processing features in your .NET applications small or large.

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)

Windows Communication Foundation Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, Shahzad Latif | Tagged , ,

Create and edit documents in ASP.NET MVC applications using Aspose.Total for .NET

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In this tutorial, you’ll learn to incorporate file creation and manipulation features in ASP.NET MVC applications using Aspose.Total for .NET. ASP.NET MVC is used to build patterns-based web applications in an agile development environment, while Aspose.Total for .NET provides everything to plug-in the features to create and manipulate a variety of documents. Using our .NET product suite, you can add and edit PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, bar code, TIFF, and many other file formats in your applications.

This tutorial is … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, Shahzad Latif | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Using Aspose.Total for .NET with SharePoint for File Creation and Manipulation

We provide Aspose.Total for SharePoint to convert various types of documents into other file formats in SharePoint. However, if you want to add the functionality to create new documents from scratch or edit and manipulate existing documents programmatically in your SharePoint Sites, you can use Aspose.Total for .NET.

Aspose.Total for .NET product suite provides different components to work with a large number of document formats. By adding these components to your SharePoint deployments, you can take your SharePoint Sites … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, Shahzad Latif | Tagged , , , ,

Using Aspose.Total for .NET with DotNetNuke: Video Tutorial

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Aspose.Total for .NET product suite provides a rich set of features to create and manipulate various file formats in your .NET applications. On the other hand, DotNetNuke is a comprehensive content management system based on .NET Framework.

You would be glad to know that Aspose components for .NET platform work like a charm with DotNetNuke. In this video tutorial, I’m going to show you how to use Aspose.Total for .NET with DotNetNuke.

In this tutorial you’ll learn:

  • Creating new module
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Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, Shahzad Latif | Tagged , , ,

The Last Version of Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET is Published

Aspose.Pdf iconAs you already know that we have merged Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET into Aspose.Pdf for .NET, we’re going to discontinue the former from October 2011. The last version of the separate Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET has been published with a few bug fixes. You may download it from the downloads section.

You may use Aspose.Pdf for .NET both for creating new PDF files from scratch and manipulating existing PDF files. We tried to keep you updated with any developments and migration … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.PDF Product Family, Shahzad Latif | Tagged , ,

Setting Up Aspose.Total for .NET Project Quickly – Aspose QuickStart Walkthrough Video

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We recently started a QuickStart sample project of Aspose.Total for .NET on This sample application helps you understand how to set up an end-to-end .NET project using Aspose.Total for .NET.

You can download the latest version of this sample application from You can also browse the latest code online.

This initial version of QuickStart sample helps you learn the following things:

  • Setting up a .NET project quickly using Aspose.Total for .NET
  • Adding References to Aspose components
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Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, Shahzad Latif | Tagged

Form Filling and Flattening and Text Extraction from PDF in Java

Aspose.PDF for Java 4.0.0 has been published. In this latest version, we have added two new features related to text extraction: extracting text to HTML and getting text formatting information along with extracted text. You can find the details and code samples in the following knowledgebase topics:

  • Extract text to HTML file
  • Extract text formatting information

In addition to that, we have fixed issues related to PDF flattening, annotation rendering, text replacement, form filling and flattening, PDF to image conversion, … Continue Reading

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Merged Aspose.Pdf for .NET 6.2.0 is now available with many improvements

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Aspose.Pdf for .NET 6.2.0 is now available for download. In this version, we have improved various areas of the component. You’ll find all the details of the bug fixes, enhancements and new features introduced in the new version in this blog post.

PDF to image conversion performance has been improved in this version along with enhanced shading while rendering images. Adding images in the PDF file is a common requirement which is supported by Aspose.Pdf for .NET; however, in this … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.PDF Product Family, Shahzad Latif | Tagged , , , ,

Convert Microsoft Office documents and other file formats to PDF and then validate for PDF-A compliance

About PDF

PDF (Portable Document Format) is an open standard for document exchange created by Adobe Systems. This file format is supported by a wide variety of platforms. The PDF format is now commonly used in a large number of fields to store and exchange information. As PDF format has become an open standard and it is widely supported, it is preferred for data exchange. That’s why various file formats need to be converted to PDF so that the data … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, Shahzad Latif | Tagged , , ,

Merged Aspose.Pdf for .NET 6.1.0 is Out Now with Some New Features and Fixes and Many Improvements

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Second release of merged Aspose.Pdf for .NET has been published. In Aspose.Pdf for .NET 6.1.0, we have introduced some new features and fixed a couple of issues. We have also improved various aspects of the component in this release. We encourage you to use this latest version, so you would be able to get all the benefits due to these improvements. The areas which have been enhanced in this release are discussed below.

We have introduced a new feature to … Continue Reading

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