Author Archives: Romank

The PaperTray enum will be gone from Aspose.Words.

Microsoft Word allows specifying different paper trays in a document for each section, for the first and all further pages of each section.

We have corresponding Aspose.Words.PaperTray enum, which is used by the Section.PageSetup.FirstPageTray and OtherPagesTray properties. The PaperTray enum has values like AutomaticSheetFeed, LargeFormatBin, ManualFeed and so on.

We thought we had it working! We thought we tested printing a document using Aspose.Words will take paper from the correct trays as specified in the document. Our AsposeWordsPrintDocument class that … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Digitally Sign PDF Documents Produced by Aspose.Words

I like this job of announcing new features. We have been doing it in this blog “informally” either just before the next release or just after it. Today I felt like it is time to “acknowledge” this as an activity that we will do on a regular basis.
It’s only been a week since Aspose.Words for .NET 9.4 and already our next version shceduled for some time in October is shaping up. The features that were in the works are … Continue Reading

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Convert a Word Document to EPUB and Read on iPod

You can use Aspose.Words for .NET to easily convert any document to EPUB.

Document doc = new Document(@"E:\MyDoc26.doc");

Then upload this document to your iPod, iPhone or iPad. I have Apple iBooks installed on mine and it can display EPUB documents pretty well.

Simple Test

Here is a sample I used to check non-English characters and images are displayed alright. I am holding iPod with the document I generated using Aspose.Words against the backdrop of the original document opened … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Do you want XAML export in Aspose.Words?

If yes, let us know. Please let us know how do you want to use the generated XAML and any other requirements about it.

Current XAML support in Aspose.Words is like this:

1. Fixed Page. Internal (not visible in the public API) export of each page of the document into fixed page XAML format. Aspose.Words reuses its own XPS output engine for this. We are not quite sure how you would want to use individual XAML pages hence not made … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Great OOXML improvements in Aspose.Words for .NET 9.4

Lots of customers have been waiting to get their hands on Aspose.Words that does not lose DrawingML and Structured Document Tags (SDT, content controls) when processing DOCX documents.

Finally, it is here. The release page with full details is here

I can only add that in this release you can only expect DrawingML and SDT to be preserved during DOCX open/save and also during document assembly (copying nodes between documents, joining documents together etc). You will be able to see … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Autoporting Aspose.Words for .NET to Java Weekly Progress – 8th Sep 2010

In my previous post about our autoporting project I told that we achieved compile and started running unit tests on our internal Aspose.Foundation library.

Today I am happy to tell that our completely autoported Java code is now able to generate PDF and XPS documents. The documents generated by the Java version pass the same verification, compliance and rasterization tests as the ones generated by our .NET product.

The number of unit tests that pass today in Aspose.Foundation is 76% … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Structured Document Tags (Content Controls) are confirmed in the upcoming Aspose.Words for .NET 9.4

Aspose.Words for .NET 9.4. is our next release that is likely to be available early next week.

Another great feature that I can confirm is making into this release is support for Structured Document Tags (Content Controls) in your OOXML documents.

Earlier versions of Aspose.Words would just lose Content Controls if you open/save a DOCX document.

The upcoming version fully preserves Content Controls in your documents during DOCX open/save operations.

There will be a new public class StructuredDocumentTag (derives from … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Autoporting Aspose.Words for .NET to Java Weekly Progress – 27th Aug 2010

Compiles okay = 72.1% (up only 0.4%) from last week.

Does not compile = 27.8%

Although the increase in the number of Aspose.Words autoportable C# to Java source files is rather small this week, we have great news.

Aspose.Words internally consists of two libraries/modules: Aspose.Foundation and Aspose.Words. Aspose.Foundation contains a lot of “common” code such as utility classes, platform abstraction layer, structured storage module, zip library, true type fonts module, rendering (the Aspose Paper Specification), parsing and rendering of metafiles, PDF and … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Autoporting Aspose.Words for .NET to Java Weekly Progress – 19th Aug 2010

In my earlier post I offered to post regular updates on our internal progress towards releasing a fully up-to-date (with field update, Table of Contents, footnotes etc) Word to PDF conversion in Aspose.Words for Java.

Here is an update for this week.

Compiles okay = 71.7% (up 1.7% from 70% last week)

Does not compile = 28.2%

While from this numbers you could estimate there are about 16 weeks to go to get to 100%, I think we are going to deliver much sooner. … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

OpenType Fonts with PostScript Outlines in Aspose.Words

When rendering documents to PDF and XPS formats, Aspose.Words currently supports the following fonts:

  • TrueType Fonts
  • TrueType Font Collections
  • OpenType fonts with TrueType outlines

A number of customers have reported problems that Aspose.Words cannot render some of their documents to PDF and fails with errors like “cannot find the ‘loca’ table” or changes a font to Times New Roman or to MS Sans Serif.

We have traced many of these errors to a single problem – these documents use OpenType … Continue Reading

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