Author Archives: Romank

Just 42 files remain to autoport for Aspose.Words for Java – 14th Nov 2010

If you are not sure what we are talking about, here is the previous post in this series.

Today’s Aspose.Words for Java stats are:

  • Total source files 2533
  • 42 files have autoporting problems
  • All other files – we automatically convert them from C# to Java using our porting tool.

What’s next:

1. We are going to sort out the remaining 42 files in the next week or so. There is basically one major porting problem now – use of ADO.NET class … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Custom XML, save to SWF, save to XAML, verify digital signatures too many new things to list in Aspose.Words for .NET 9.5

Here is a screenshot of the new feature we have. You can now convert any Word document to SWF. The produced SWF embeds a little viewer that displays the document.

For the full list of features find the Aspose.Words for .NET 9.5 release page in the downloads section.

 … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Rendering of DrawingML shapes to PDF, XPS etc is in progress

DrawingML is used to represent the rich shapes, colors, diagrams and charts in OOXML documents.

I am happy to tell that we have a big project underway to make sure Aspose.Words can render all DrawingML into its fixed-page outputs including PDF, XPS, graphics and printing.

At the moment Aspose.Words can only preserve DrawingML during DOCX open/save cycles and not much else. Aspose.Words can render DrawingML pictures, but cannot render other DrawingML shapes.

We will be releasing DrawingML functionality in iterations, every … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Only 214 files remain to autoport – 18th Oct 2010

It’s been only five days since my previous report, but I cannot wait to say what a great progress we had.

Today’s Aspose.Words for Java stats are:

  • Total source files 2413
  • Only 214 have autoporting problems = 8.8%
  • The rest 2199 of the C# source files are totally automatically convertable to Java.

In these five days we managed to review and make portable 311 files. Almost all document conversions modules are now portable. With all of the other supported formats, we are finally going … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Autoporting Aspose.Words for Java Progress – 13th Oct 2010

Today’s stats are:

  • Total source files 2413
  • 1888 compiles on Java okay = 78.2%
  • 525 has autoporting problems = 21.7%

Comparing to the previous report we have made 47 C# files autoportable. That’s 8% of the previous 572 files still to fix. This allows to make some estimates. If we keep this pace, then we need about 12 weeks more to make all files compile in Java. That’s only all compile. We will need time to get all unit tests going, … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Autoporting Aspose.Words for Java Progress – 4th Oct 2010

In the previous post we celebrated all unit tests passed for a completely autoportable Aspose.Foundation (or internal library).

Now we are back to making the remainder of Aspose.Words C# source autoportable.

I used to treat the actual number of classes in Aspose.Words as confidential and disclosed the progress as percentage only e.g. 73% done. But I just remembered that anyone can easily count the number of classes in any .NET assembly in ildasm or Reflector so I don’t think it makes sense … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Autoporting Aspose.Words for Java Progress – 26th Sep 20

Just yesterday we had only 86% unit tests passing in our internal Aspose.Foundation for Java library. Today I am happy to say it is 100% green.

Just to remind you we are trying to make Aspose.Words for Java by automatically converting Aspose.Words for .NET written in C# to Java using our own tool.

Aspose.Foundation is an internal library, a part of Aspose.Words. We first achieved compile on the generated Java source code on 27th August. We then spent this month getting all unit … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

How Autoporting Looks Like – Video

Just uploaded a video about how we are automatically converting tons of Aspose.Words C# code to Java in matter of seconds.

Every developer working in C# can straight away test his new feature or a fix works in Java in exactly the same way like in .NET.


 … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Fixing the Kittens: Autoporting Aspose.Words for Java Weekly Progress – 24th Sep 2010

In my previous post I delivered no good news about when Aspose.Words for Java with PDF rendering will be avaialble.

I want to correct the situation today.

We are still working on making sure that all unit tests pass for Aspose.Foundation (our internal library that contains the PDF and XPS renderers, platform independent graphics, imaging, font utilities etc).

Currently Aspose.Foundation, the autoported to Java version happily produces PDF and XPS output that matches our .NET product output very very closely.

The … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Autoporting Aspose.Words for .NET to Java Weekly Progress – 20th Sep 2010

It’s been a bit more than a week since I posted the last “weekly progress”.

Today’s news is that because me (the project tracker) was busy attending for the Aspose.Words for .NET 9.4 release and also reviewing and integrating new features onto our trunk (I posted about these) – there is no measurable progress on the Autoporting to Java project to report today.

This is not to say there was no progress done on the Java project. We have been reviewing … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |