Author Archives: Romank

Aspose.Words is back on Twitter

I tried twitting about the Aspose.Words project sometime ago, but struggled to find a balance between this blog and twitter so I have only been posting here in this blog for a while.

Now it feels like twitting again. More or less important (and hopefully thought out) posts will go here in the blog. Everything else including daily details and questions will go to the tweet.

 … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Text Wrapping Around Images and Shapes in Word Document using C# .NET

I am happy to announce that a very cool and important feature is going to be included in Aspose.Words for .NET 9.6 that is about to be released in just a few days.

Text wrapping around images and shapes when rendering Microsoft Word documents to PDF, XPS, and printing is now supported. This is a major milestone for Aspose.Words in achieving the “high fidelity rendering” goal.

In Microsoft Word documents text can wrap around shapes in the following ways (I … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Autoporting Aspose.Words for Java Progress – 10th Jan 2011

Hi all. In my previous post Aspose.Words for Java stood at 679 unit tests failing and now there are only 437 tests to fix. That is 242 tests fixed over about 10 working days.

CodePorting, the tool we’re using to port the code, speeds up the porting process so we can focus on fixing failing tests. If things continue at this speed we need another 18 working days and a completely autoported Aspose.Words for Java will be unit tests green … Continue Reading

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Autoporting Aspose.Words for Java Progress – 24th Dec 2010

There are only 679 unit tests failing in the autoported version of Aspose.Words for Java. This means almost 500 tests fixed since my last post just over a week ago.

Although the whole project is looking more like a finished product every day now, we are not releasing Aspose.Words for Java 10.0 in 2010. But we are not going to have a big slack for holidays either!

Have a great Christmas and Happy New Year from the Aspose.Words team!… Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Autoporting Aspose.Words for Java Progress – 15th Dec 2010

Today there are only 1176 out of 8805 unit tests are failing in Aspose.Words for Java.

Some unit tests are comparing output documents with “gold” (a.k.a last known good) documents for regression testing.

Now both the original Aspose.Words for .NET and autoported Aspose.Words for Java need to produce documents that match the same set of gold files initially produced by Aspose.Words for .NET. Only a small number of files will be different and accepted as “java only golds”.

Here is an … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Autoporting Aspose.Words for Java Progress – 2nd Dec 2010

In my last report we had almost 8200 unit tests failing. Now a week later, we have only 2132 tests failing in Aspose.Words for Java.

The end is actually close and might well get Aspose.Words for Java 10.0 released as a New Year present.… Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Autoporting Aspose.Words for Java Progress – 26th Nov 2010

We have 9100 unit tests in Aspose.Words for Java and 923 of them pass right now.

On the surface it might look ugly that 90% of the tests fail. But there seems to be a few simple problems (stubs instead of code in some of the most basic platform abstraction methods such as formatting a double into a string). I am sure fixing those will get hundreds and thousands of unit tests to pass.

 … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Autoporting Aspose.Words for Java Progress – 24th Nov 2010

Today we have a completely autoported Aspose.Words for Java compile for the first time!

There are 2470 source files in the project. Only 28 of them constitute the platform abstraction layer and are manually coded in Java. The rest of the Java sources are generated from our C# sources.

Now the race is on to get all Aspose.Words for Java unit tests to pass. I will continue to provide regular updates about progress.

As a heads up for you, here … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

How parent/child mail merge will look like in Aspose.Words for Java

Yes, parent/child (nested mail merge regions) is one of those highly demanded features that is available in Aspose.Words for .NET and not yet available in Aspose.Words for Java. And yes, this feature is going to be available for Java very soon, when our autoporting project is complete.

BTW, there are only 16 files remain to be made autoportable.

Today a small technical article that describes challenges and solutions we came across when making the Aspose.Words MailMerge autoportable to Java.


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Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Does anybody use XPath in Aspose.Words?

Did you know you can use use XPath queries to find nodes in the Aspose.Words document tree?

Here is the API topic with some code examples

On the surface it looks like a pretty cool feature. Aspose.Words loads a document (a document in almost any wordprocessing format) into a tree-like model in memory. The model resembles OOXML, but is more “refined’ meaning you don’t have to deal with relationships to other parts and other raw stuff. Then you can … Continue Reading

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