Author Archives: Muhammad Ahmad Chishti

Convert PowerPoint to PDF using C++

Many organizations use PowerPoint presentations for meetings or other group discussion scenarios. There might be situations where you need to share the same information with other people. In such cases, you may either choose PPTX or PDF format. If the file is to be used for presentations only, then the PPTX file format is acceptable. But if the file is to be shared for information purposes, then the PDF format is a better and user-friendly option. In this article, you will learn how to convert PowerPoint slides to PDF format using C++.

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Split MS Word Documents using C++

MS Word is a popular format for storing and sharing information. There might be scenarios where you want to split a Word document into multiple files. For example, a document may contain different sections that need to be shared with different people or contain some confidential information that needs to be separated. In such cases, splitting the Word document proves to be helpful. In this article, you will learn how to split MS Word documents using C++.

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Merge MS Word Documents using C++

MS Word is a powerful tool that allows you to customize and format your professional documents with a fantastic set of features. You may find yourself in situations where you want to merge multiple Word documents, such as combining all the receipts in a single file or combining the different software requirement documents for easier management. Furthermore, combining the files simplifies the process of sharing them. In this article, you will learn how to merge multiple MS Word documents using C++.

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Convert RTF Documents to PDF using C++

RTF is a cross-platform rich text file format introduced by Microsoft. In addition to text, it can include extra information about font style, formatting, images, etc. There might be situations such as sharing the file over the internet where you do not want the file to be editable or want the file to have a fixed layout. In such cases, PDF format is your best bet. PDF is a cross-platform format that can be secured and made read-only. Furthermore, the PDF file looks the same wherever you open it. In this article, you will learn how to convert RTF files to PDF format using C++.

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Protect and Unprotect Excel Files using C++

Microsoft Excel is a popular software for managing data in organizations. It is mainly due to its advanced data manipulation and representation features. In this technological age, documents are shared virtually instead of printed copies. These files may contain complex and sensitive data. So to maintain such files' integrity, you might need to guard them against modification. Excel's protection features come in handy for this purpose. In this article, you will learn how to protect and unprotect Excel files programmatically using C++.

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Convert Email Messages to PDF using C++

Emails are the primary source of communication over the internet, especially in business environments. There might be cases such as discussing and finalizing the client's software requirements for product development. After completing the software requirements, you might need to generate a final set of documents containing the emails and other details to share with your team. In such scenarios, converting the email to PDF may prove to be helpful. In this article, you will learn how to convert an email message to PDF format using C++.

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Find and Replace Text in Excel Spreadsheets using C++

Microsoft Excel allows you to store data in tabular form. In addition to that, it enables you to perform complex operations on data. Excel's uses range from maintaining monthly budgets to managing organizational data due to its vast set of features. As compared to other features, finding and replacing text is among the more straightforward tasks you can do in Excel. This article demonstrates how to find and replace text in Excel spreadsheets programmatically using C++.

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Convert Excel to HTML using C++

Excel spreadsheets are useful in organizing, managing, and computing data. Similarly, HTML is useful for displaying content in the browser. Both formats are handy in their specific use cases. There might be cases where you have to show excel data on websites. In those cases, HTML would be the better format to use. To achieve this, you will have to convert the required Excel file to HTML. In light of this, we will learn how to convert Excel to HTML using C++.

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Convert PDF to SVG Format using C++

PDF is a widely used document format for exchanging documents between individuals and different organizations. It is a standard document format, but sometimes it is not the ideal format for the situation. Nowadays, a lot of people are consuming content on their mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. In such cases, SVG is a good alternative. SVG can be scaled to different screen sizes without losing quality and is the most used format for websites. Webpages can also use CSS styling to display SVG content. For this purpose, you will need to convert the PDF files to SVG. In this article, you will learn how to convert PDF files to SVG format using C++.

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Convert Excel Files to Images using C++

There can be many reasons for converting Excel files to images like adding images to web pages, PDFs, Word Documents, PowerPoint Presentations, etc. In this article, we will learn how to convert Excel files to images with C++.

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