Author Archives: Muhammad.waqas

Creating Page Title in OneNote Style Supported with Aspose.Note for .NET 2.0.0

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Note for .NET 2.0.0. This month’s release provides the capability of creating a page title in Microsoft Office OneNote style format. It also fixes a number of bugs reported with our last month’s release. You can visit our product documentation to check for all the API changes in this month’s release.

Creating Page Title in MS OneNote Style

A standard page title in MS OneNote document is as shown in the … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Note Product Family |

Aspose.Note for Java is Getting Ready for Release

Aspose.Note for .NET has been in the field for quite long time now and used by our valuable customers for manipulating OneNote documents. It not only allows creating content-rich OneNote documents, but also provides the capabilities of exporting data to various document and image formats.  It’s advanced features for manipulating text and content makes the Aspose.Note library a powerful editing tool.

Coming Soon: Aspose.Note for Java

After Aspose.Notes for .NET, we are pleased to share that Aspose.Note for Java API … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Note Product Family |

Listing Messages and Folders From Exchange Server with Paging Support using Aspose.Email for Java 5.8.0

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Email for Java 5.8.0. This month’s release includes enhancements to the existing functionality of the API and bug fixes that results in the overall API stability. It provides the capability to retrieve messages and folders from the Exchange Server with paging support. You can find complete list of changes in this month’s release by visiting our documentation article, Public API Changes in Aspose.Email for Java 5.8.0.


Folders Enumeration with Paging Support Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Use Paging for Listing Folders and Messages in Exchange Mailbox using C#

Aspose.Email for .NET 5.8.0 has been released. It includes enhancements and bug fixes to a number of API functional areas. Specifically, it provides the capability of paging while retrieving information from Exchange Mailbox and offers new load options for loading specific type of messages. Our documentation section, Public API Changes in Aspose.Email for .NET 5.8.0, provides complete list of changes that are part of this month’s release.

Enumerating Folders with Paging Support using EWS

The Exchange Web Service (EWS) client … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Improved Data Reading supported with Aspose.Tasks for Java 8.8.0

Apose.Tasks for Java v 8.8.0 has been released. It enhances existing API features and improves the project data reading functionality. The notable improvements include capability to read additional data fields from Microsoft Project Database Server. Our documentation section, Migration from Earlier versions of the API, lists all the changes in the API that are part of this release. For any inquiry, you can write to us over Aspose.Tasks forum.

Feature Enhancements in Aspose.Tasks for Java 8.8.0

Support for Additional Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Tasks Product Family |

Working with Microsoft Exchange Server using Aspose.Email for Java 5.3.0

We are excited to share the release of Aspose.Email for Java 5.3.0 that provides the capability of working with Microsoft Exchange Server. This month’s release also brings other enhancements and improvements by fixing a number of bugs. For a complete list of API changes, please visit our documentation section, Public API Changes in Aspose.Email 5.3.0. You can contact us directly on Aspose.Email forum in case you have any queries or inquiries related to the API.

Working with Exchange Server in

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Sync Exchange Folder Items and Perform Email Tracking using C#

Aspose.Email for .NET 5.3.0 has been released. This month’s release includes new features, enhancements and bug fixes that contribute more towards the value of the product. These features are related to various functional areas of the API including Outlook properties of a message, Exchange client, and Microsoft Outlook tasks and messages encryption. We have published the complete details of API changes in our documentation article Public API Changes in Aspose.Email for .NET 5.3.0 for reference.

Syncing Exchange Server Folder Items

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Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Sign Email Messages with DKIM using Java Email API

Aspose.Email for Java 5.2.0 has been released. We are pleased to share that the feature of signing messages with DKIM has been implemented in this month’s release. In addition, the API also provides the capability to specify search string encoding while searching for messages using ImapQueryBuilder. For a detailed list of API changes, please consider visiting our documentation section, Public API changes in Aspose.Email for Java 5.2.0. If you have any query/inquiry related to the API, please feel free to … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Send DKIM Signed Email Messages using C# with Aspose.Email for .NET 5.2.0

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Email for .NET 5.2.0 that includes new features, enhancements, and a number of functionality improvements. With this month’s release, you can now send DKIM signed emails. We have also provided the facility to fetch message size from the Exchange server before the whole message is fetched. For a complete list of improvements, please visit our product download page. Our documentation article, Public API changes in Aspose.Email for .NET 5.2.0, contains a … Continue Reading

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Enhanced Formula Calculations and Evaluation of Functions in MS Project Files

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Tasks for .NET 8.2.0. This month’s release enhances the feature of formula calculation in project documents by implementing function and other calculations. It also includes an enhancement feature of rendering display details column to output. For a complete list of new features, enhancements and bug fixes, please visit our product download page.

Support for Formula Calculations

Our last month’s release introduced the feature of Reading and Writing formulas from extended attributes of … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Tasks Product Family |