Author Archives: Sabir

Aspose.Tasks for .NET 2.7.0 with more features regarding MS Project 2010 MPP read capability and bug fixes

Aspose.Tasks for .NET 2.7.0 has been released with the read support for subprojects, outline codes, external attributes and baselines information from MS Project 2010 MPP files in addition to the features introduced in the previous releases. Some bugs related to other MPP formats like reading duration outline codes, incorrect resource assignments data reading etc have also been fixed in this release.

For a complete list of these new features, bug fixes and downloads, please visit:

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Posted in Aspose.Tasks Product Family |

Aspose.Tasks for .NET 2.6.0 introducing more features regarding MS Project 2010 read support, read support for partly damaged MPP files and much more…

Dear Customers,

We are pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Tasks for .NET 2.6.0. In this release, we have added read support for Task Links, Resources and Resource Assignments for MS Project 2010 MPP files. In addition, we have added functionality for defining the MPP file format and MS Project version without file reading along with read functionality for partly damaged MPP files. Moreover, a number of identified bugs have also been fixed in this release.

For more details and download, please visit:… Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Tasks Product Family |

Aspose.Tasks for .NET 2.5.0 with read support of MS Project 2010 MPP files and a number of improvements and bug fixes

Dear Customers,

We are pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Tasks for .NET 2.5.0. This release introduces the support for reading common project properties, tasks information and calendar properties from MS Project 2010 MPP file format. In addition, it also includes enhancements and bug fixes for existing features regarding MS Project 2003 and MS Project 2007 MPP file formats.

For more information and downloads, please visit: Reading

Posted in Aspose.Tasks Product Family |

Aspose.Metafiles for Java 1.6.1 with improved WMF to PNG text rendering

Dear Customers,

We are pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Metafiles for Java 1.6.1. This release fixes issues regarding text rendering for WMF to PNG conversion.

For more information and downloads, please visit: Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family |

Aspose.Slides for .NET 4.1.0 providing much improvements towards working with PPTX files, fixing number of PPT / PPTX rendering issues, better reading of PPT shapes and more

Dear Customers,

We are pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Slides for .NET 4.1.0. This release comes up fixing a number of issues related with PPTX rendering, better reading of PPT / PPTX files. In addition, nonRaw text formatting properties inherited from master can now be accessed / modified.

For more information and downloads, Reading

Posted in Aspose.Slides Product Family |

Aspose.Tasks for .NET 2.4.0 introducing COM interoperation support, ability to read all Extended Attributes from MPP9 files and a number of enhancements

Dear Customers,

We are pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Tasks for .NET 2.4.0. This release introduces the COM Interoperability through which this component can be used in languages not targeting .NET Framework. In addition, it also enhances the ability of reading Extended Attributes from MPP9 files. Moreover, Outlines Code support for MPP9 files has been added.

For more information and downloads, please visit:

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Posted in Aspose.Tasks Product Family |

Aspose.Slides for Java 2.1.0 with better access to PPTX text formatting properties, custom PPT document properties and more

Dear Customers,

We are pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Slides for Java 2.1.0. In this release, we have fixed the issues related with text formatting properties in PPTX documents when text in the slides is inherited from master slide. The issues related with custom PPT document properties has also been fixed. In addition, cloning of slides having animations and PPT rendering issues have been fixed.

For more information and downloads, please visit: Reading

Posted in Aspose.Slides Product Family |

Aspose.Metafiles for Java 1.6.0 with better image rendering capabilities, cloneable interface implementation, SetROP2 GDI function and much more…

Dear Customers,

We are pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Metafiles for Java 1.6.0. This release includes enhancements in image rendering with respect to ternary raster operations, implements cloneable interface as well as SetRop2 GDI function. In addition to these, it also adds ability to select default background color for Get*Rendering functions.

For more information and downloads, please visit: Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family |

Aspose.Tasks for .NET 2.3.0 with better MPP9 format reading, MS Project version determination, Exporting WBS as image and more…

Dear Customers,

We are pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Tasks for .NET 2.3.0. This release fixes issues with reading MPP / XML files created with MS Project 2003, determining MS Project version with which project file is saved and simplifies adding resources to a project. In addition, this release also introduces a new feature, that is, exporting WBS as an image.

For more information and downloads, please visit: Reading

Posted in Aspose.Tasks Product Family |

Aspose.Slides for .NET 4.0.1 release featuring PPTX to PDF support, improved OLE embedding and much more

Dear Customers,

We are pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Slides for .NET 4.0.1. In this release, we have introduced PDF export for PPTX format which was available only for PPT format. OLE objects embedding in PPT documents has been improved a lot. Moreover, with the introduction of Aspose.Slides.Util namespace you can scan PowerPoint documents to find all the text frames or any desired shape. For more information on the features, fixes and download, please visit: Reading

Posted in Aspose.Slides Product Family |