Author Archives: Muhammad.rashid

Aspose.Total for Java Q1 2009

What’s New in Aspose.Total for Java Q1 2009:

Aspose.Words for Java

New Features

1.      Only one key to preserve Metafiles in output document: SaveOptions.setHtmlExportMetafileAsRaster(false).

2.      Workaround for old IBM (1.4) JIT JMM bug.

Bug Fixes

1.      Borders around pictures in the template document cause “XmlStreamException” while saving to HTML format.

2.      The document with cropped metafiles causes UnsupportedOperationException while converting from DOC to HTML.

3.      The document with broken ticks (DataTime) number in Comments, etc. Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family |

Aspose.Total for .NET Q1 2009

What’s New in Aspose.Total for .NET Q1 2009:

Aspose.Words for .NET

New Features

1.      Supports loading w:pgNum for DOCX.

2.      Allows specifying folder for exported images when saving to file.

3.      Expose all BuiltInDocumentProperties as Properties.

4.      Added “draw:line” import.

5.      Added line shape export.

6.      Added rectangle shape export and import.

7.      Added ellipse shape export and import.

8.      Added “text:variable-set” import and export.

9.      Added “text:bookmark-start” and “text:bookmark-end” import.Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family |

Welcome to New Documentation Module

We at Aspose are well aware of the importance of comprehensive, easy to understand, easily accessible and user friendly documentation. Therefore along with investing a lot of effort and resources towards making our components better, we have been doing quite a lot of work on the documentation as well. In this regard we have launched a new documentation module which has replaced the old documentation which was based on WIKI and API reference. This new documentation module offers a lot … Continue Reading

Posted in Website Development |

Support for Multi-Targeting in Visual Studio 2008

Like many other developers working with .NET Framework, I too have both Visual Studio 2003 and Visual Studio 2005 installed on my system. The reason being that I occasionally need to develop applications which must work on target systems which only have .NET Framework 1.1. Now I have become quite used to the IDE of Visual  Studio 2005 and enjoy the various features which make programming easy. So when ever I have to switch to Visual Studio 2003 for development, … Continue Reading

Posted in Muhammad Rashid |