Author Archives: Mf

Word Object Model without Word

This article is a call for your feedback. In the August 2009 we had to drop Aspose.Editor but left are functional pieces which can be reused in Aspose.Words, well, if you need them…

In past times developers relied on Word Object Model and VBA for their automation needs. Today Microsoft recommends VSTO and OOXML but still out there could be useful applications written in VBA, or you might be interested to port those to .NET, or you’d like to leverage Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

The Rendering Fidelity of Footnotes

This article is a technical blurb mostly about why it is taking so long for us to support footnotes and endnotes in Aspose.Words when rendering documents to PDF, XPS or printing. This post looks at how Microsoft Word handles some tricky layouts and even reveals some obscure flaws. It might be interesting to Aspose.Words customers who are waiting for footnotes to be supported or to any other developer whomever pondered about document layout.

As you might know one of the

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Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |