Author Archives: Marktaylor

Aspose Supports DDD Sydney 2017, Australia

Sydney, Australia – DDD Sydney is a full day non profit community event run by developers for developers. Topics include .NET, Java and Cloud based technologies. Anyone can submit a session to the event and delegates then vote on the sessions they want to see.

We’re developers ourselves and understand the desire to focus on the interesting stuff like learning new technologies and implementing new features. User groups are great way to feed that desire and that’s why we are … Continue Reading

Posted in Developer Community Support |

Aspose Supports the Adelaide dotNET and Global DevOps Bootcamp

Adelaide dotNet and Global DevOps Bootcamp Groups
the latest events we are sponsoring.  If you are in the area we encourage you to take a look.

Check out the schedule and feel free to give them your feedback

What’s in Store?

Experience topics such as:

  • DevOps in general
  • Insights into where we are heading when it comes to DevOps and new technologies
  • Get people’s hands dirty and let them play with all the good Microsoft DevOps stuff


They Continue Reading

Posted in Developer Community Support |

Aspose Sponsors GeekOUT 2017

Aspose supports a number of local user groups and events in the US, Europe and Asia. We are keen to get behind developer centric events and seminars.

GeekOut is a Java Technology Conference that was started as a single day event by ZeroTurnaround in 2011. It has grown into a full-blown, two day show for developers. The focus of the conference is on Java, the JVM, covering developer tooling, solution architecture, programming methodologies, continuous delivery and programming languages for the … Continue Reading

Posted in Developer Community Support |