Author Archives: Marktaylor

Aspose sponsors the vJUG24 Java Conference

vJUG24 is a 24 hour non stop virtual Java conference that is streamed online for anyone to attend. The conference will be split into three 8-hour windows covering the Americas, APAC and EMEA and will include regional speakers and regional JUGs participating in every session. The event already has over 1000 RSVPs and normally gains an extra 2000-3000 in views in the days after the event.

Aspose loves getting behind user groups which is why we are are proud to … Continue Reading

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Aspose sponsors Afterworks New Caledonia

Sydney, Australia – The first edition of Afterworks MS in North Province, New Caledonia will take place in Koné with great enthusiasm.

The group share experience and expertise with Office 365, SharePoint 2016, Visual Studio & .NET, Docker and Windows Container technologies. 

Speakers: Sylver Schorgen (SF2i) and Julien Chable (NC IT – MVP Office Server and Development)

The slides of the sessions are available below (in French):
Office 365:
Nano Server:
Visual Continue Reading

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Aspose is a sponor of JCConf in Taiwan

JCConf Taiwan (Java Community Conference Taiwan) is organized by the TWJUG (Taiwan Java User Group) community for discussion of the Java programming language and related technologies. Their target audience are programmers and project managers that are interested in Java and they want to offer a space for Java programmers to meet and discuss development in Java, providing a social environment for meeting like minded people.

JCConf Taiwan 2016 was a big success. They have more than 450 attendees, 23 sessions, … Continue Reading

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Aspose is proud to sponsor the Global Xamarin Summit in Singapore

Global Xamarin Summit is the largest global summit for .Net cross-platform development technologies of the year. Aspose is proud to be sponsoring this event.

This is the place to meet and greet worldwide cross platform community leaders, Xamarin gurus, cloud experts, security champions, devOps bosses, tech evangelists and world class technology speakers.

Expect an avalanche of goodness about the latest and best of the cross platform development world, cloud computing and .Net universe set within an idyllic location

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Aspose Supports DDD Perth 2017

Sydney, Australia – DDD Perth is a full day non profit community event run by developers for developers. Topics include .NET, Java and Cloud based technologies. Sessions are decided based on votes that are open to everyone.

What’s in Store?

  • One Day
  • Fully Catered
  • Inclusive atmosphere
  • Interesting presentations
  • Awesome people
  • Only $50
  • Event on a Saturday for easy attendance
  • Anyone to submit about any software industry related topic
  • Having a democratically chosen agenda
  • Focusing on creating a safe and inclusive
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Aspose is sponsoring the Queensland ALM User group

The Queensland ALM Users Group (QALMUG) is a non-profit association of people in Australia who are interested in Application Lifecycle Management, Microsoft Visual Studio and its associated products, technologies and practices. They aim to gather once a month and will usually have a top notch speaker which may include international speakers, INETA speakers, or even local talent, of which there is an incredible amount. They have a chance to socialize over a free breakfast and drinks provided by our sponsors … Continue Reading

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Aspose Supports Tauranga Web Meetup

The Tauranga Web Meetup is for professionals working in the web industry: designers, developers, analysts, business owners, project managers, DBAs, Sys Admins.

These meetups provide an opportunity to find out what other web people in Tauranga are up to and share knowledge and ideas.

The group has semi regular monthly meetings which cover a variety of topics and end with a round of beer afterwards

Currently they are talking about application performance with an open floor so anyone can come … Continue Reading

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Meet speakers from Google at the Auckland .NET user group

The Auckland .NET user group is a bi-monthly meetup of around 60-100 different members each month. Topics discussed included e topics include any part of the .NET framework, web technology or Windows apps.

Aspose is sponsoring a very special meetup at the Auckland .NET user group two speakers from Google are coming in for a chat. 

  • Mete Atamel will speak about Building ASP.NET apps on Google Cloud
  • Felipe Hoffa will talk about what can we learn from 750 billion GitHub
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Sponsoring User Groups and Conferences: Introducing NDC Sydney

We are very excited about the latest NDC Conference to be held Down Under. NDC Sydney will hold nothing back when compared to its counterparts in Oslo and London. The agenda features 7 tracks and more than 100 speakers.

Check out the NDC Sydney agenda and feel free to give them any feedback on Twitter @ndc_conferences


NDC Sydney has more than 100 speakers lined up, including:

When and Where?

  • 14 – 18 August 2017, Hilton Sydney, Australia

For more … Continue Reading

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Aspose Supports DDD Melbourne 2017

Sydney, Australia – DDD Melbourne is a full day non profit community event run by developers for developers. Topics include .NET, Java and Cloud based technologies. Anyone can submit a session to the event and delegates then vote on the sessions they want to see. We are always keen to sponsor developer events in the community such as DDD Melbourne. Check them out:

What’s in Store?

  • One Day
  • Refreshments provided
  • Industry-leading Presenters
  • Only $49

What’s On?

Over 50 talks from … Continue Reading

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